Welcher Fritzbox Router ist der beste?
Hallo in die Runde. Mein alter Fritzbox Router 6490 Cable hat den Geist aufgegeben und nun benötige ich einen neuen. Jedoch gibt es ja gefühlt tausende Modelle. Wer hat mit welchem Modell gute Erfahrung gemacht oder kann mir was empfehlen?
Es sollte ein Kabel Modell sein und gute Leistung haben, damit in der gesamten Wohnung WLAN ist und Streaming sowie Online Spiele flüssig laufen.
Vielen Dank schon mal.
That depends on what area.
Since you’re moving up on cables, that would have to be the frit 6690 I run.
They have been in use for a year in conjunction with the FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX and are very satisfied.
https://www.inside-digital.de/kaufberatung/fritzbox-6660-cable-vs-fritzbox-6690-cable-comparison differences
Mainly, I have good Wi-Fi everywhere and can use streaming services without any problems as well as occasionally dock some online games.
Then 6690. The question was also “what Fritzbox is the best” and this is the 6690 for cables and not the 6660.
This is also not what it is necessary to disassemble in the details of slightly varying numbers, but also demonstrated by the manufacturer in all empirical press tests.
For a cable connection there are exactly 4 devices, of which 2 are no longer up to date.
The Fritzbox 6660 Cable would be my first choice. Harmonizes also super with a Gigabit connection (if available).
This is not the best for cables, but the budget router. – The top model in the area is the 6690.
I have used the 6660 myself and can say with full conviction: this is certainly not a budget router…
Who only uses his FritzBox as a WLAN-AP makes something wrong from the outset. A mesh system should be present in any house or larger apartment.
The box can completely load gigabit (even more than gigabit).
The only drawback of this router is the “slower” Wlan speed.
But who can really load AKTIV 4,800 mbits…
Of course you can get a 6660, for a 50sqm apartment that is certainly sufficient. For larger apartments, a mesh repeater is probably useful. I’d rather take the 6690 without repeater. Less sources of error and less latency. So I did it for my 85sqm apartment and I am satisfied. With mesh repeaters from Avm, the result was actually worse.
and with the design of the 6690 you have to be friends. 😉
I look similar. With that – I guess at least- Difference is that one of the two, besides the hobby, is already on the move for more than 20 years of profession because of IT.
There’s nothing to discuss with someone who can’t answer you
*”6660 has a considerably worse WLAN”
Oh, yes, that’s exactly what it even asked – see the question title.
The 6690 has a considerably lesser WLAN. This concerns not only the sheer width (band width – which is also… never forgotten… all devices share in it), but also the fact that the 6660 has a devastatingly bad illumination/range width due to its construction and antenna naming compared to the 6690.
Also repeaters change this only very limited something.
In addition, it also has only half of antennas (MiMo ́s) which have to share the devices on one side.
The bush is often retoured and changed to 6690.
Take a look at the price of the 6660 Cable and then the 6690
This is a price difference of ~60€.
The questioner did not ask for the best router per se, but do what you can recommend:
I don’t know the situation at OP and how big his apartment is. But from my own experience can say that the 6660 Cable is more than sufficient for most as I also run it in my apartment.
With the 60€ you can already get a passable mesh extender.
Oh yes, the indication with the WLAN mesh was also not only related to you. That was all related.
First reading and understanding, then commenting.
Since I use the 6690 myself, I can only confirm the good range – since this is also at some point at its limits, depending on the size of the bud, you may have to. yet again, for which the FB 1200AX repeaters come to use.
I also had the 6660 and exchanged it for the 6690, as there the wlan cover is clearly better. I don’t have to pample with repeaters anymore.
Not only has a slow W-Lan speed, but also a devastating WLAN connection – In addition (had 😉 the inclined reader may have already seen below that I am doing a mesh ^^
Taking the 6660 is at least saved from the front at the wrong end.
Cable models there are exactly 4 – https://avm.de/produkte/avm-produktvergleich/fritzbox/kabel/
Since I have an even functioning 6490, I cannot say anything to the newer ones, but — stand today — would definitely decide between a 6591 and the 6690.
To make sure you take the FRITZ!Box 7590 AX
But otherwise you will certainly also be lucky with a slightly cheaper model
Does not work with cable
… what is the FS with a DSL model?
Nix, I’m done