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3 years ago


get you a cheap 135s 36 pictures Fuji C200, Gold 200 or whatever can be bought by 4-5 euros as the first film.

The first film examines the basic functions of the camera (light diffraction, closure, support, mechanics, exposure meter) and optics (external values, infinity position, centering). And if the camera has a Macke with development are only 6-8 euros and not equal to 16-20€.

Cameras can also be checked/adjusted before the first film at a camera service and do not have to sacrifice any film.

I have revisited/adjusted/restored when non-100erte Canon AE1 does not have to be used to the service during any battery change and have to be used regularly because otherwise the magnetic relay “slows” then “walk” the closing times until the closure no longer does. In the case of regular customers, one has then partially converted to A1/AE1 lock Selenoide which have paid for conversion, but most have bought an A1/AE1 program or a T series or many have then moved to EOS. The AE1 is a super-cheap mass camera that is the “strength” of Canon

But I have also serviced/repaired Agfa, Minolta, Leica, Contax, Cosina, Pentax, Ricoh, Miranda, Fuji, Mamiya, Olympus, Chinon, Pentagon, Interna, Nikon, Topgon, Rollei, Yashica, Voigtländer, Konica,. In principle, all cameras go “caputt” sooner or later even if the OVP are 50 years in a collector showcase.

The Portra 400 is a super film, but 99% of the Knipser do not need the image quality or can not translate it visibly. This is a professional film for professionals who want to create/must create better images than with current DSLR/DSLM of the 45-60 MP class and this is only possible if you do not scan/digitalize the negatives but are exposed in the fully analog chain, so from 30x45cm formats (full-format sheet mirror) analog images of “Digitalkram” are still not digitally accessible.

So if the images are only digtalized at the end and landing on computers you can save 10€ per movie in terms of image quality. When it comes to pictorial look or at the fun of the thing it does a “billig film” for the first 1000 pictures until you understand the craft and film. The Knipser films are “good-fashioned”, because Portra should be “exposed” where you have to “understand” the topic of light measurement. The Knipser films are optimized for the C41 chain of the large laboratories, so fast and cheap prints in a maximum of 13x18cm are the image quality advantage of a Portra or Ektar as it can only be seen in the direct comparison.

3 years ago


the AE-1 is for 135 film (first picture).

The 120 film would not fit; that’s too big.

3 years ago

Hi, the first movie fits as you need a normal 35 for the AE-1.

VG Hdhdidb

3 years ago

The upper one.

The lower is 120 roll film and for medium format cameras. As can be seen from the pack, it is almost twice as high:

Guide-to-Medium Format-Film-Photography-on-Shoot-It-With-Film-02.jpg (850×567) (

You can recognize movies for your camera that is usually 135 or 35mm.

3 years ago

It fits every 35 mm small picture film, on the pack stands 135.