Welcher Encoder beim streamen i7 10750h 1660ti 32gb ram?
Moin Leute, ich möchte gerne GTA RP streamen, ich habe dort 70fps… wenn ich streame nur noch 35-40fps, welchen Encoder soll ich benutzen CPU oder GPU? Benutze zurzeit die GPU
oder sollte ich mir einfach einen billigen Streaming pc holen
i5 6500
8gb ram
wprde das funktionieren?
So for streaming, you’ll need a lot of performance if that’s to happen properly.
I don’t think it makes a big difference what encoder you use here.
Both things are not optimal for streaming.
The suggested streaming PC is also a bit weak.
If you are not satisfied with the CPU as an encoder, a second PC would of course be great in conjunction with a capture card. Without a second device, a capture card makes no sense by the way.
I would invest a little more on the second PC. So another step higher than minimum quasi. Otherwise, a little too marginal for my taste. So 900p/936p would already be recommended if you create relatively high quality on Twitch. With a 1660 as you have it should work (without gaming load). Of course, make sure that the CPU is not too weak for it. for example Ryzen 5 2600.
In the end, of course, you are. If you are satisfied with 720p, you can also buy the one you proposed.
I had a PC with i7 6700k and 1060 GraKa as streaming PC, where only 720p made sense for my taste, as a benchmark.
So with Ryzen 5 2600 and 1660ti, probably 900p/936p would have to be meaningfully possible. But I can’t promise you, after it’s a matter of taste.
You can also basically test yourself by causing something like CS, or stop a game where not much power is necessary and then keep streaming and watch as 900p/936p look like this with the GPU Encoder. Especially with moving pictures. If everything is calm, you have a nice picture.
Otherwise, there is also a PC in the info that is more expensive, but probably also suitable for 1080p if there is not the limited bit rate problem of Twitch. Otherwise buy as a gaming PC and the current as streaming PC. 😄
Here the many more information:
Thank you for your message.
So I think I’ll get me a 2nd pc for streaming, what would make sense as a hardware so I can stream to 1080p would reach 500€?
can you recommend me?
Aso so you can stream to 1080p. As a non-partner, this is generally difficult, no matter what hardware you have, said slightly exaggerated.
You can stream as a non-partner only with a maximum of 6000 kbps bitrate, which is very limit value for 1080p, or not really recommended.
Therefore, the 900p/936p mentioned.
The one in the link here will probably be nix for 1080p with high quality.
Then prefer one by 1000€ or something in the direction as in the other link: https://hardwarerat.de/computerpc/gaming-pcs/1051/gaming-pc-intel-1000-rx6600-i5-12400f-16gb-dddr4-1tb-nvme-win11-pro?c=78
Just looked very short and found this as an example.
So you’re good at $500, I’d say.
Maybe experts would recommend you another, better for the money.
I think that the 1660s are just enough as Encoder for about 900p. guaranteed for 720p. But, as I said, you can also test yourself with yours if this is the case by loading the PC as little as possible with a game where there is a lot of movement. Then you can practically go to the number and hit it with something or exactly.
Besides, it turns out that you can buy a better 500€. I’m not an expert in the field. Vlt ask a new question what people recommend here for 500€ as streaming PC and the virtually as a minimum. He should be used to make sense. Otherwise it’ll be difficult to price. 😄
Must go offline, you’ll be back next week.
https://www.willhave.at/iad/shopping and selling/d/gaming-pc-rtx-3060-oc-12gb-597680028/
With them, 1080p would also be useful for the taste of generality as pure streaming PC. I think I’m exaggerated.
Would rather target 900p and not spend more than 500€ as you said. So rather go in the direction with the 1660s + Ryzen 5 2600 as a minimum.
In any case, use the GPU Encoder. Since the 1050ti is a very solid yet also old graphics card, it can be that you have to pay for it. But before you question your entire setup, I would first limit the streaming to 1080p if you did not already. You can also get a lot of FPS with the RP settings. If that doesn’t work, I would recommend you a gamecapture card rather than a new PC 👍🏻
Thanks for your answer, I’m already streaming to 720p, gamecapture? What do you mean?:)
I would like to keep my fps &’ latency free streaming so no fps are accepted. Then Ya listens well to a gamecapturecard, but I don’t know how to connect.
I always thought you can use an elgato 60hd just from pc to pc or can I connect my laptop and just stream over the map?