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Because wonderfully versatile to use:
In any case, noodles.. Even if I find döner or burger horny, you don’t eat it regularly.
I like noodles in all variations and with various sauces they are always different interpretations and never boring.
Most popular Bolognese and as dessert a crèpe.
I like noodles very much, preferably with tomato sauce, freshly grated parmesan, or beautiful large spirelli with beef goulash with beautiful dark sauce or, or….
Even if I love crêpes, noodles I could always eat;)
Same but the baguette will never forgive you
I like Bahaha I swear ds
I also have
There’s nothing more beautiful than noodles. Whether it’s Bolognese or in the ascent
Definitif burger. Yes I know I fill the cliché xD
lg sarah
Lovely with Hollondaise, Fricadella and Vegetables Inside
Can I always eat:)
From what you have listed here I like most Italian, homemade pasta dishes and well-stocked baguettes
Glass noodles.
A delicious baguette.