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Würdet ihr eine Umschulung vom Arbeitsamt empfehlen?
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Ist man mit der Ausbildung zum Notfallsanitäter auch anerkannter Rettungssanitäter?
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All construction jobs have always been interested in me, so I have also become painters and painters at the time.
Presumably each profession is a small group of professions and most people only.
You need to find out what’s fun for yourself.
Pro/contralist with which you can fix what you want or in no case can help restrict possible professions.
If you have a small selection
…and I even see him as a vocation and source of my joy of life!
I am an instructor for plant mechanics and customer service technicians in the SHK-Handwerk.
…and damn pride in promoting the future and young people in this craft.
I’m going to work with a smiling every day.
So everything to do with customer support hasn’t happened before.
Everyone who cares about you.
That’s all.
helicopter pilot
I think I’m very exciting ind interesting
this job would make me really much fun!!!
you just want to look 80 years down in haha
Wrong. Mine is fun. Arliner.
German teacher.
There’s a lot to do.
My German Teacher is now a real estate businessman
Deepwater diving
You don’t have to like what I’m enjoying… so the question is pointless.