Welcher Bachelor Studiengang eignet sich besser?
Welcher Bachelor Studiengang eignet sich besser, wenn man später ins Management kommen möchte. Und fall das nicht möglich ist zuerst als Bilanzbuchhalter arbeiten will?
1. Studiengang:
2. Studiengang:
The second course of studies would be better suited for the accounting book holder, as commercial vacancy, tax law, cost-performance accounting, etc. is the focus here.
With regard to the “to come into management” this is rather a further term. The question is what level of management. A department manager is also already (lower) management. The management board of a company is also management. First course of study has a higher proportion of computer science. For this sector, there is more to enter this course. Second course of study is rather an entry into the industry, as presented at the outset.
But this is not exclusively and above all not so.
For lower management. Then the first course would be better, right?
Not necessarily, as I said, it’s more about the industry later. You will learn the basic knowledge of BWL at both courses. The first course of study is rather computer science, the second course of study rather taxes.
Perfect, thanks.