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1 year ago

The alcohol in alcoholic beverages is always ethanol and it always has the same amount of calories. Depending on sources, 6 or 7 calories per gram are given.

More calories per gram has only fat (9 calories per gram).

As most alcoholic beverages contain little fat, it is therefore mainly due to how high percentage the drink is.

A whisky in a barrel thickness (over 60%) if you drink it undiluted, has significantly more calories than one with only 40%.

Although beer is known as a “thickmaker”, it has only about 45 calories per 100 ml, normal whisky but more than 5 times so much. This is the higher alcohol content described above.

By the way, I like beer and whisky. However, I diluted to alcoholic whisky with a shot of water. So I don’t like those with most calories because I can’t really enjoy them because of the many alcohol.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Regina3


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