Welchen Zinssatz hat man vor 3 Jahren bekommen bei einem Darlehen mit 30 Jahre Zinsbindung?
meine Schwester hat ein großes Haus gebaut.
Das Haus kostet über 1 Mio. €. Nach Verkauf der Eigentumswohnung bleibt ein Darlehen von 600.00 € übrig. Sämtliche Kosten wurden bereits bezahlt.
Bei 600.000 € Nettodarlehen und 30 Jahre Zinsbindung, welchen Zins hätte man vor 3 Jahren bekommen und was muss man dann zum Schluss bezahlt haben nach 30 Jahren.
Meine Schwester zahlt aktuell eine Rate von 1.600 Euro auf die 30 Jahre. Das Haus ist rießig, inklusive einer Doppelgarage, 250 QM Wohnfläche und mit einer Einliegerwohnung.
If the duration of the loan is also 30 years, at a rate of 1600 euros and a rate of 600,000 euros, an interest rate of almost –0.16%. that’s unrealistic. the Federal Republic of Germany has managed this for the government bonds, but certainly not a private borrower for a real estate. Or is your sister angela merkel?
So either the dates do not vote or the runtime is longer than the 30 years zinsbinding
I got an interest rate of 0.48% 3 years ago. But my father is a slave and he’s got a better interest.
If it actually has an interest rate note for 30 years, the rate will remain the same all the time. (annuity loans). Then you can calculate the amount that comes out.
Yeah, if I knew about the zins….
You don’t need the interest because the rate doesn’t change: so basic calculation type Multiplication: 1.600 x 12 x 30. You can do that. By the way, you will find that the information is incorrect. But I don’t want to take the tension.
It doesn’t matter. 1.600 * 12 * 30
Even without interest, the rate of 1600 Euro is not enough for the eradication
The share of “saving interest” increases annually. However, you need the interest rate to calculate exactly that.
But if the sum of the annuities is less than the amount of credit, something is wrong. Otherwise, I would like to have such a loan.
It won’t go without redemption.
You always cancel the agreed rate PLUS of the saved interest from the 2nd year.
either incorrect, a negative interest rate (unrealistic) or the duration of the loan is longer than the 30 years interest rate.