Welchen weichen Fahrradsattel sollte ich kaufen?
Ich hatte bisher einen Fahrradsattel, dessen Breite ausgemessen wurde, aber hatte auch nach längerem und öfterem Fahren Gesäßschmerzen. Also, dass man sich nach längerem und öfterem Fahren dran gewöhnt, ist auf mich bezogen falsch und trifft nicht zu. Ein Bezug und eine Fahrradunterhose haben auch nichts gebracht. Jetzt möchte ich es mal mit einem sehr weichen Sattel probieren, hab aber überhaupt keine Ahnung. Könnt ihr mir einen empfehlen, für Herren?
I know your problem. I had it myself.
After I was at several bike shops and I was even told for sensuals like me (even if I were) there would be no solution, I finally found one.
Bicycle saddle on Amazon
The problem is less the hardness of the saddle, much more that slip back and forth. When I realized that, I found this saddle and he changed a lot. Unlike in the picture, however, I didn’t “imagine” it, but so that my Popo goes right into the trough. The saddle fixes me.
I also met Declathon. Funny white one already knew. There I have for approx. 70 Euro highly padded cyclist pants purchased (short and long). And yes they are really padded! I think I could even sit on nails. I think there’s foam in there instead of the usual silicone.
For long tours, I’m pulling an old Aldi cycling pants with silicone under it. I was able to drive 80km in one day and 105 the next day. In the evening of the second day, I felt a pressure on Popo, as if you were sitting normal all day. No wounds, no shots, no small pimples. On the third day, I could have gone further (if I had not to work).
If this is still not enough, I experimented with a spray last year.
Seat spray
With my old setup with which I had already shots from 50km, the seat spray was very good. But it wasn’t a solution. I haven’t used the new setup yet. That’s why I don’t know if it’s even usable.
– I drive around 100km, currently very sporty. The firm enter also lifts the popo, then it does not stick so much on the saddle.
– If you order Sättel via Amazon, you can send it back within 14 days (German right of return).
It really only helps try out.
Did you try your current saddle in different positions?
My experience is if you sit on it and it doesn’t feel perfect, then it won’t be better later. Actually, like trying on your shoes. So you can only give tips badly.
I’m just using the “Selle Bassano Volare M”. This is also considered quite soft. But I have to tip it right far forward so that it doesn’t seem unpleasant. Then he feels comfortable. However, I do not have much confidence in its longevity. Another saddle whose name I don’t know, I use much more straight. So it all depends.
Can you try saddles before you buy them?
In some bike shops, yes. There are also bicycle shops where you can measure your Po, so you can sit on a special saddle.
I was in a business where I could mount the saddle on my bike and turn a round. I had three to choose from.
This one was with my new bike. It was a bit skeptical, but with just a little more mentioned inclination, it was also nicely comfortable and will not replace it for the time being. With my old saddle, there’s still a slot/long hole inside, which is supposed to meet us guys.
I’d really let myself be consulted in a shop. If only funny answers come to the next shop (best with your bike).
The gel saddles should be softer. And if it’s not just a sporty mountain bike or racing bike, what you’re driving, you can take a broader, cozy saddle.
When you go sports, you might have a “bad fit”
Why don’t you go into a good bike business, let yourself be advised and make test drives. Then you will surely find the right saddle.
Enjoy cycling 🙂
A good cycling pants is better than just wearing a bicycle underpants under normal pants. Don’t take cheap cycling pants, feel the difference.
which cycling pants is good?
I’ve got some of Löffler and Gonso. They were expensive, but my popo is worth it.
(I dispose of the cheap ones from the past)