Welchen Vertrag soll ich wählen?
ich weis einfach seit Wochen nicht, welchen Vertrag ich nehemn soll.
Zu mir:
ausgebildeter Fachinformatiker Systemintegartion seit einem halben Jahr.
1 Firma: 31.200€ Brutto,
Aufgaben: Einrichtung Backups, Netzwerkkonfig etc.., Also administratorische Sachen, klein Betrieb (10) Mitarbeiter
2 Firma: 38.000 Brutto€, jährlich Gehaltsbesprechungen
Aufgaben: 1 Level Support, Firma: 5k Mitarbeiter
Ist gut für meine Zukunft, wenn ich den 1 Lvl Support mache oder zahlt es sich aus, die erste Firma zu nehmen, ich mein ich will halt nicht für 2600€ im Monat geknechtet werden, außerdem habe ich bei der zweiten Firma 1,5h früher aus. Und ich musste schon mal Ausbildungsbetrieb wechseln, weil mich meine Arbeitszeit kaputt gemacht hat.
I find the entry fee of 2600 euros too little. That was 20 years ago, but should have been clearly adapted.
So take the better paid contract. Level 1 is of course very strenuous, but you will learn a lot insanely. And after three years, you’ll do another job there if you’re busy.
Or you’re looking for a job in public service, and you’re going to start with more salary than the second job offer.
I also feel the salary levels a little too crisp and point to still lack of experience in the wage negotiations. There are snowy videos on Youtube. You do not remain modest, but you always ask too much for the future operation to be able to negotiate. In the end, there was still more left than when you appear humble and grateful. It also implies self-confidence.
I see the following differences in the job descriptions. At 1) it seems more to be work where you can be more with yourself. At 2), customer contact is in the foreground.
Depending on what you prefer, give the rash. In the future, however, it is possible to extend or modify its working area.
The reference to the lower loadability could rather indicate an introversion. The activity at 1) might be more appropriate.
Under Company 2, you have a statutory notice period after the trial period. The other is a small business. I’d go to offer two.
Tor 3: Citizen money and by the way program, gfxen or whatever in computer science. The merits are much too little at both jobs for which you have an education and also as a computer scientist. :
natural option 2!!!
I’d take two. Better chances of climbing.