Welchen Verspätungszuschlag werde ich zahlen müssen, wenn ich es nicht schaffe die Steuererklärung jetzt am 31.Oktober rechtzeitig abzugeben?
Ich habe mich gestern bei Elster registriert um schnell meine Steuererklärung abzugeben, leider vergeblich. Für Elster muss man erstmal den „Aktivierungsbrief“ abwarten, damit der Account aktiviert wird. Diesen habe ich beantragt. Gestern. Vermutlich wird er jedoch bis Montag bei mir nicht zuhause ankommen.
Ich werde es verpassen die Steuererklärung abzugeben, und ja ich bin dazu verpflichtet, hab letztes Jahr Gewinne in krypto gemacht im Wert von 15.000€.
Wie viel Verspätungszuschlag werde ich zahlen müssen, wenn ich die Steuererklärung erst im November abgebe?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Please actively request time extension, usually works, according to my experience.
On the phone or in writing by email? Who knows when they read the mail?
For the first time by phone, find out the contact person with whom he needs it (by experience, in writing).
Today would be too optimistic to reach someone.
Okay. I’ll call on Monday.
In my knowledge there is a certain percentage of tax, but at least 25 euros per month as a delay supplement.
But indication without guarantee.
Okay, how do I calculate this so I have to pay 2000€ tax then I get a surcharge of 25€? I think that’s a little bit in my mind…
See my answer. It was a certain percentage of tax per month. But at least 25€ per month. You have to look for the percentage number on the net.
If all this is then I will calm the deadline now at 31. Just miss October and leave in November…
… at least 25 euros.
Found it. Percentage is 0.25%.
So from the 2000€ would be 0.25% just 5€…
I believe it is 1% of tax debt per month
In paper form, you can leave it in time.
As far as I’ve read on the Internet, you can’t leave it in paper form anymore that has been abolished.
‘Up to 31. In October 2022, millions of Germans must submit the income tax declaration to the tax office for 2021. Becausethe tax return in paper form from this year is only possible to a limited extent, many are forced to move to the electronic charge. ‘
Hmm, yes read on the internet is not always true. You can download it in paper form.
Puh, googles after tax office.
Official tax side.
Can you please give link would be very nice thank you
I feel like it’s 250€.