Welchen Tofu könnt ihr empfehlen?
… wenn man nicht viel Zeit zum Zubereiten hat.
D.h. ich würde ihn in die Pfanne werfen wollen und essen.
Ich mag Tofu beim Asiaten in Kombi mit den Saucen oder gewürzt. Aber ganz klassisch schmeckt er mir nicht.
Gibt es da gute (schon vorgewürzte) Tofu(s?), die ihr empfehlen könnt? 🙂
At DM and Rossmann there are great pre-warmed tofus, even at Edeka I have seen some, but not yet tried. These varieties I find super
Is there smoker tofu
Otherwise you can also make Tofu super easy short and tasty
Simply squeeze water before and turn into edible strength, then the pink in the pan
As marinade simply soy sauce, some spices and honey and off into the pan, the honey caramelizes again and binds the sauce together
The answer is great and this should not be a criticism, just a note. In the case of honey and high temperatures always be careful, as toxic substances can quickly form.
The best tofu is still the one you get fresh in the Asia market. This really doesn’t allow anyone from the discounter, supermarket or organic market. Also not the highly praised one of Taifun.
Get me my tofu exclusively at the Asian market and only in an acute emergency time at the discounter or normal supermarket. He’ll be frozen at my place and then he’ll be drunk when I need him. I also press out as much water as it is (only exception is here Seidentofu I only buy if I want to use it directly). It is then marinated or panned or simply turned into a mixture of feed starch/meal and spices and then fried.
Unfortunately, there’s no Asia store nearby.
I also have to drive 30-80km easy route to the next 🤷🏼
As I said, it’ll always be a big buy.
Yes, then it might be worth it, for a few little things it would not make any sense.
I also buy not only tofu, but then buy directly everything in the Asia market that I do not get in the normal discounter or supermarket or just for much more.
I will cover up with all the ingredients I need for sushi, buy directly four bottles of my favorite soy sauce because I only get them there, get me a large pack of rice paper, sushi rice which is also cheaper than in the discounter or supermarket, get me my chili paste (which is also only there), jackfruit, banana blossoms and Seitan, etc.
only for Tofu I don’t go there but for many more things that I would pay for in the normal supermarket and discounter or which I don’t get there. I also buy spices in large packs because they get me cheaper than the small packs I can buy otherwise. I think it’s worth driving in and making a big buy for 3-6 months (while spices keep one or two years with me)
I’m not driving at least 60 kilometers for Tofu. 😅
Incense Tofu by Taifun (in many organic shops) or incense tofu by Tukan (includes, for example, in the Rewe)
This makes it easy to make yourself a sandwich or sandwich.
Then fried even more delicious.
Of course, you can also season natural tofu yourself, that is the advantage of Tofu, you can give it all possible tastes.
Tofu rosso from Taifun is also very good, especially for vegan Bolognese.
likes best smoke tofu!!!
The incense tofu of Taifun