Welchen TK Kuchen könnt Ihr empfehlen?
Habe bald Geburtstag und möchte dann nach meinem Urlaub Kuchen für mein Team mitbringen. Ich kann nicht backen, deshalb dachte ich an TK Kuchen.
Welche Sorten kennt ihr und könnt empfehlen? Also Geschmacksrichtungen. Was kommt eigentlich immer gut an?
So cake is less, it’s already a cake. But Dr. Oetker’s chocolate cake is very delicious.
I wrote cake and I meant cake too. You see, I don’t even know. Thanks for the tip with the Schokitorte.
You better order something in the bakery and take it with your colleagues.
If it must be TK cakes, something like apple cake is, for example, relatively insensitive.
Strawberry varieties and sprouts
How about fruitcake?
In the bakery you get – fresh – bisquit floors in light or dark.
Simply sprinkle with some cream-resistant powder or spread with jam – prevents dilution – and apply fresh fruit.
Depending on your preference, touch cake casting and heat over it – finished!
Beautiful holiday – and beautiful celebration “after”…;)
TK-cheeks are usually not the big hit and are often mushy when you carve them half-frozen through the area. Why don’t you go to the baker of your trust and get a simple, fresh yeast pot? Everyone likes it, and for absolute sugar junkies you can also bring butter, jam, honey or nutella…
These are all cakes and cake fans. But the idea is good.
From Coppenrath & Wiese there are mixed cake plates. There will be something for every taste.
Thank you.
Thank you.
In my opinion, the bee engraving of Copenrath & Wiese is never wrong!