Welchen ‘The walking Dead’ Tod fandet ihr am traurigsten?
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Kurze Spoilerwarnung für alle Leser an dieser Stelle.
Ich war es heute im Kino schauen und bin einfach total begeistert. Wie fandet ihr dieses Film und was für Gedanken habt ihr davon so?
Hallo literarisch interessierter Teil der Community, in meiner letzten Frage habe ich über Horror-“Kinderbücher” gestellt. Also eine kurze illustrierte Horrorgeschichte im Stil von Kinderbüchern. Mit Erwachsenen als Zielgruppe. Dieses Bild (von mir) war die Inspiration dazu: Ich habe nun einen Text für das erste dieser Kinderbücher verfasst und wollte Kritiken dazu hören. Mir geht es…
Hallo!! Ich suche eine Kinderserie von Kika. Ich weiß nur leider den Namen nicht mehr. Ich kann aber schildern worum es ging: Es ging um einen Jungen in Amerika mit blonden Haaren. Er hatte Geschwister ( ca. 2 oder 3 ). Er hatte einen Crush und sie hieß Viki. Ihre Eltern waren reich. Der Junge…
Die beste Serie überhaupt, zumindest im Bereich Comedy. Man fragt sich die ganze Zeit “Wie kommt man auf sowas” 😅
I admit I’ve been crying like a lock dog. The Rick from the last seasons was not as unpleasant to me as the Carl had to die
Didn’t know he died. Hm.
Carl? When he wanted to save the doctor, he was bitten, he shot himself in the end. Rick is not dead, has written that he was deleted
At the deaths of Beth, Glenn, Abraham, Carl and Siddiq, the tears are running with me.
But also the dead ones who were not dying saw Mika in the 4th. Staffel and the characters in the 9th season 15 episode: The calm before (The Calm Before) have died, let me go rather when they are on the hill and see what happened and then always miss the cut on the partying one or the other and then the cut to the heads is shown.
No matter how often you see the scenes, they still tear you and let you cry.
Beth Staffel 5, Episode 8
Mika and Lizzie Staffel 4, Episode 14
I don’t know what season I stopped, but I remember Negan’s defeat. Until the point, I found the death of this Asian character, whose name unfortunately no longer seems to me, most brutal. As sad I really did not feel any deaths in the series, rather brutal.
Glen. I found him too hard.
His head was simply beaten to Brei in front of his pregnant wife and the rest of his crew 😭
I lost interest too.
But I have to say, I want Neagen as a requestonist very and have the series after which he “good” was no longer really persecuted 🙈
Andrea :
I find rather sad that Maggie is still alive.
Is my hate character 😅
ah. But I understand
Glenn. I felt like a sack, from there it went fast down with the series.