Welchen Tanz empfehlt ihr jemanden der nicht tanzen kann?
Hallo Friends
Ich hoffe es geht euch gut.
Welchen Tanz empfehlt ihr jemanden der nicht tanzen kann. Ich habe kein Rhythmusgefühl, möchte aber auf der Tanze gut aussehen wenn es denn bald wieder geht.
“… but make good look at the dance…– Nothing’s coming!
Rhythm and musicality are not about. You can learn that. Without dancing lessons, you’ll get a solo-hearted hops. It always looks stupid.
Go to a dance school and learn to dance properly!
There is no need for a dance partner in the beginners classes. The dance schools are trained to involve solo participants in the classroom.
But what dance should you learn?
Listen to music from your own collection. The music to which you start to wiping your feet, to the music you find out what to dance in the original. So not the solo-hopsen, but what dance you dance to exactly this music in a well-kept style. This dance, or these dances, you’ll learn.
And sport is it too!
When it comes to the good look, it can look like this:
Thanks for the good answer. 🕺🕺💃💃
Thanks for the star!
Of course this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCKpQD77Zxo