welchen schnitt habe ich bis jetzt bitte ausrechnen für mich danke?
rechne mein notendurchschnitt bis jetzt aus
ich machs mit punkte
deutsch 09
kunst LK 10
spanisch ab ef 10
englisch LK 09
Päda 07
philosophie 10
ernährungslehre 12
biologie 09
mathe 08
sport 10
deutsch 09
kunst Lk 11
spanisch ab ef 10
englisch Lk 06
päda 04
philo 11
ernährungslehre 11
bio 05
mathe 02
sport 08
deutsch 08
Kunst lk 10
spanisch ef 11
englisch LK 05
philo 11
bio 06
mathe 05
sport 08
sowi 08
Geschichte 08
There are Abi Note calculators on the Internet. The average is irrelevant as you can e.g. remove subjects and at the end count the sum of this score on a defined scale.
Make your own cut:
Condense points and share them with the number of notes/fans.
You’ll get that if you have 5 points in math.
No. But your attitude shows why your notes are as they are.
…is definitely smarter than you. If you want, we can also calculate this together, but it is necessary to add own power.
Your mom
the median can be determined by summing all values together and then dividing the result with the respective number
but lks are double calculated have no bock now
Then you count the LKs twice. Where’s the problem?
Hopefully this is not representative of Generation Z.