Welchen Sattel würdet ihr kaufen?
Frage steht oben schreibt gerne noch eine begründung
Frage steht oben schreibt gerne noch eine begründung
Was sagt ihr? Ein gutes A oder vielleicht sogar schon ein kleines L? Ich kann es leider gar nicht einschätzen
Hey, ich habe mich gefragt ob man auf Rohe auch ohne Reitklamotten, sprich Reithose ausreiten kann.Falls ja, juckt und kratzt das Fell nicht an den Beinen? joa danke schonmal im Voraus:)
Wir haben zwei weibliche Shetlandponys. Die haben wir jetzt ungefär mehr als ein halbes Jahr. Und das braune Shetlandpony hat sich in dem halben jahr als Chefin aufgespielt. Das weiße Shetlandpony durfte nicht fressen befor nicht das braune Shetlandpony gefressen hatte. Und heute ist unser 6 Monate alter Hafflinger Hengst angekommen. Das Braune Shetlandpony hat…
Hallo zusammen, dürfen Pferde Stangen- und/oder Knollensellerie fressen? Ich hab mal gehört, dass dies eine weniger zuckerhaltige Alternative gegenüber Karotten ist. Bin mir da aber nicht sicher deshalb wollte ich einfach mal nachfragen. Den Sellerie würde ich keinesfalls in Massen verfüttern sondern nur als Leckerlis. Freue mich über Antworten!
hey, wie oft darf man beim reitabzeichen vier und sieben im springen verweigern? auf dem turnier wurde ja laut lpo das auf zweimal reduziert seit diesem jahr
Hallo ich habe heute einem reiterhof angeschrieben und gefragt ob diese eine Gruppenstunde frei haben fuer mich. Dann bekam ich die Antwort: in was für einer Gruppe reitest du? Abteilung oder frei? Ich war seit langem nicht mehr bei diesem Reiterhof und weisst nicht was die damit meinen? Koennt ihr da weiter helfen
The dressage saddle is for me always the “basic saddle”. Versatile saddles are hardly produced for good reason. When you look at how many Spartensättel a manufacturer has in the program, these are often 10 to 20 models per jumper/dresser and then 2 or 3 versatility saddles. The reason: neither the long leg for the dressage seat nor the short one for the jumping seat is well on the sheet. If you have the long sheet you need to be on the sheet with your knee when riding with dressage bows, then it is too long for the jumping/gloss bow.
A dressage saddle as well as a jumping saddle does not automatically have pauschen. There are also those without or most of them have the offer of a Velcro shower that you can put in or into any position. Gag at the dressage saddle is usually a tree that is so tailored that although it fulfils the function of the saddle tree, it is seated directly on the horse with not too much spread basins, so that small seat effects arrive directly. Since jumping or even terrain riding without dressage gymnastization are unfit, each horse first has its dressage saddle and the jumping saddle is then added. However, you should also be able to ride everything from the correct seat up to a certain level in the jump saddle. That the leg is different should not screw up the seat – otherwise there is no independence of the help and you should possibly return in his training in a few meters.
VS saddle without focus. want to sit as little as possible. independent, but need a pause that gives a hold, contradict each other.
and to the VS saddle NO pants with grip.
I can’t sit in the dressursattel.
in the spring saddle cannot be REITEN. that ruins one’s seat and hurts for normal riding in the track of the horse.
Neither. Most likely a dressage saddle with a little bit of cuddly.
Since this is always a personal feeling, you have to decide for yourself. I have no interest in jumping so that everything in the direction of me would be useless.
However, since I can dressage or health-promoting riding in every saddle, I don’t care about it, anyway it fits.
I myself have a Spanish saddle with leather tree and I rode for many years in the Western saddle dressage.
Can I ask what you got for a Spanish saddle? Hidalgo?
Yes, Hidalgo, special series. Besides Everluck, there is nothing comparable on the market.
Just because I just find myself at home in jumping. Of course I also ride dressage, as it is simply the basis of everything. But I find my jumping saddle very comfortable and I’m “Sattele just around” when there’s a tuner.
I have one that can be converted relatively flexibly with velcro showers – but is also more based on a spring saddle from the basic structure
Dressage saddle with little chauffe.Find me best to sit. Or VS without focus
With nem VS saddle you can both ride, dressage and jumping. I have one to which additional pairs can be attached and I am very satisfied.
None of them, but one that fits horse and me, probably more Western saddles.
Well, the one I want to do with it. Has a reason why there are several species.
The most seay jumpers have dressage and jumping saddles, as you have to ride dressage as a jumper.
I have two saddles. Dressage and jumping saddle.
Dressage saddle was the first purchase. I’m very excited about my decision.
Since I’m not a jumper, and I’m rarely out for more than an hour, my dressage saddle is long for me. In everything else, I don’t like to ride dressage. On occasion I would like to add a VS saddle to myself, for gymnastics jumps and possibly for riding out.
Versatile saddles are the means of choice for me because I am flexible in my training by them.
It depends.
You’re a jumper, buy a jumper.
Are you dressage riders, buy a dressage saddle.
A variety saddle is recommended for leisure riders/diversity riders.
I’d get me a versatile saddle, because I’m on the go (:
I need for the horse and purpose.
None of them. Don’t fit any of my horses. I have a protugieic horse saddle/ bullfight saddle. It is comfortable, fits well and you have a certain hold through the galleries.
It’s better.