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2 years ago

If you want to improve the electric shave, the Braun Series 9 would be the last option to increase.

If you don’t get right with Series 7, because the foil shaver doesn’t capture the beard hair well due to vertebrae, you should put on Philips with a rotating system.

Otherwise, a wet shave, especially with razor, is clearly better.

2 years ago

I recommend a Shavette.

Last time I had bought a razor, but was not satisfied with the result. I still like the Shavette, or a razor, much better.

The advantages of a knife compared to the conventional razor systems of Wilkinson or Gillette are almost as versatile as the knife itself:

  • You only need a blade, it lies directly on the skin and gives a smooth skin.
  • This one blade is significantly cheaper than a head of Gillette and Wilkinson with their 3-7 blades. In addition, the plastic is eliminated, which makes the Shavette even more environmentally friendly. The Shavette itself is no longer as expensive as thought. I have linked one of Muller’s, I love the 😀
  • The knife is more versatile. It is possible to clean the small hairs on the neck, to sprinkle out the cotelettes or even the crown. This could also happen with a system shaver, of course, but I believe that due to the plastic frame and the many blades one is much less precise.

Love greetings

2 years ago
Reply to  Lukomat99

Hard zwieback goes also 😜😂

2 years ago

To smoothly shave one of Aldi/DM with 7 sounds plus foam.

For connecting an electronic with different attachments.