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Always on condition that a regular, safe and inexpensive connection between moon and earth becomes possible:
The greatest thing would be that from there it is much easier to get to the asteroid belt with spaceships.
The main potential is that it is much easier to get material from the moon into space than from Earth. The disadvantage is that it is extremely expensive to transport things from the earth to the moon.
This makes the intial start of course difficult. In principle, the production of metals such as aluminum and titanium as well as rocket propellants is of interest. The problem here is the development of self-expanding systems. In other words, it must be possible to build plants that build larger plants with the material of the moon.
The planet would not be burdened with the number of people and the current burden would be distributed. Of course, depends on how many people live there (I take many). If we were to cultivate plants on the moon, we could supply these other people on earth.
Science: basis for a particularly large telescope.
We can send a little elephant up there, which isn’t going to bother us here.
If that were possible, the moon would be exclusively
use military.