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9 months ago

so that those who have programmed this generator have easy play with your super password.
They let it encode and they already have standard passwords

9 months ago
Reply to  newcomer

thank you for the star 😉

9 months ago

So I’ve never spent money on a password generator.

And more convenient it is to think than yourself.

Oh yes and the generated passwords SIND statistically safer, even if the “normal” person believes that a sophisticated is just as good.

But yes, why to pay for it, I’m asking myself. You shouldn’t.

9 months ago

Of course you can also remember a password yourself.

However, if a password must comply with certain guidelines, for example, that certain characters must not occur therein or must occur and the password must have a certain length or computational complexity, a password generator can be very useful.
But it doesn’t have to cost money. The program “pwgen” in Linux or a KeePassXC are free.

9 months ago

Question: Why should a password generator cost money? That’s a thing you wrote yourself in 5 minutes.

9 months ago

I’ve never used such a generator before, my passwords I thought out myself.