Welchen Nolan Rollerhelm kaufen von den beiden?
- https://www.amazon.de/Nolan-Helm-N80-8-Classic-N-COM/dp/B09JPH85YR/ref=sr_1_11?crid=2DFNPNG0HUNZS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fR6RTNmQD_asJx0lV9OyImOl43Jo4JO8rpbRJvjpcQKCrZI1SnTcnWd_CSDvu2iH3Io1ebf19j8pWSSa8Lu91BdJJkmWGKqrKoHYveCJGfgMNn2iNfxEBGmAEzAq2KjKKiGzsonBOcf__nVBNm0RG1b8MHqyyL2xJFog7s9I9kiRUYbRyBjKcWRDwyp3tcDdovcAPQO90sUuhLS0IXL0XYiDBufJ8tmJPCBe9CLL8ensd3XOM_Oq1KeGmUXEW5DWvehtNLDjfWFrTxg4VD-baawROzHyvNgj4g73Y17q6oc.gClPefHKG9HxBePdBp7P4tIS8T05XH1swS6WtKbG9jw&dib_tag=se&keywords=nolan%2Bhelm&qid=1709640311&sprefix=nolan%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-11&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.335e368b-29e8-4542-bb58-939a88195e78&th=1
- oder
- https://www.amazon.de/Nolan-N90-3-Special-Klapphelm-Schwarz/dp/B08MY55CHT/ref=sr_1_10?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VE0aO6i5pWRyKxwuAuQELNTIEB5siUvQzItpi72hUZlH-GELvCXcphjteEG4gcbXnXQTCx6-v_f9kXpNEjdY46ze__2YOLPSJB_pJ_eLuxPJ5TfhiZw_PYzTkXCVkmrm0pilQSk0-QcPFaPdg7rUWExS7B1A_2htJpzZttV636CJU-Qja-dAR8yGoQF_BT__OUmKXRoZZrRzKNOA0Cqp7Ba5FAeEzn2Tl8aAHwkYU6DsFkvUudhVGQmNKbygHFSCyzoXz_605XmpVrZImnqQAPHk9n2uZ_C8V84heT4mSqs.rr9bWzHX5AJneUOnr8uU3sHh3qoSafpLGIYaBPEkfic&dib_tag=se&keywords=nolan%2Bhelm&qid=1709640163&sr=8-10
This question cannot be answered by anyone who thinks it well with you….
A helmet is not ordered on the Internet.
One takes a storm hood, because for hygienic reasons, many dealers attach importance to wearing one when you try helmets.
Then you drive to the dealer and try helmets there, not sticking to a particular brand.
A helmet must sit tight but must not press on the forehead.
The cheek pads in the helmet fit when wearing and then the helmet sits not only perfectly, but also protects the best possible.
If you would choose a helmet that sits loosely in the shop, then the upholstery widens in use, the helmet becomes too far, sits loosely on the head, lifts at the front of the wind and no longer protects as well as a suitable helmet….
Then you take the best helmet you can afford financially, because you have only one head and you don’t grow….
I often hear the argument that you “just” drive a scooter, but if I tell people how long I’ve been volunteering in the rescue service and what I had to see, they’ll be thoughtful.
I don’t want to frighten here, but it’s a bad sight when you have to see that half the chin on the asphalt has cut off because it wore a “billig torch” from the construction market and also grounded corners on the forehead you keep your life long….
My brother-in-law works in a motorcycle business. He’ll sell us a match on Saturday, he said.
Then everything’s good.
Are there any war?
Looks awfully “martial”!
I don’t order online….go to the specialist store on Saturday to try it.