Which name do you think is better for a rabbit?
Appearance: blue lionhead rabbit
How can swarm behavior be transferred to society?
Hello, I need some help. The topic is evolution, and the question is why the birds in each pigeon breed are more variable than the wild form, and why offspring in the same cage sometimes spontaneously differ significantly. My first thought was simply that sudden mutations can occur, but are there other reasons?
Hello, I have Argentinian forest cockroaches and I'm going on holiday for 12 days and I'm wondering what I could feed them that won't go mouldy during this time. I was thinking of honey but I don't know if it contains the necessary nutrients for these animals. That's why I'm asking if it could be…
Hello! I have to take one of our dogs on the train tomorrow. He's not used to a muzzle, and we only have one for the Rottweiler. Can he still travel on the train if I wear him the whole time, and he's a small Maltese?
I found a hobby gardener near us who offers hay for rodents. What should I look for when buying and what exactly should I ask? "First harvest 2024: It contains many natural herbs and flowers from a natural garden meadow. No fertilizers or pesticides, sun-dried and air-dried. €5/500g"
I've had my dwarf hamster for over six months now. Today I noticed that my hamster started squeaking around the house. My hamster has been squeaking for over ten minutes now, but he's acting normally. He eats and runs on the hamster wheel, but he squeaks while doing so. I also checked for external injuries,…
Timmy klingt soooo süß 🥰
Der andere erinnert mich zu sehr an DAS Schäfchen 😂👍🏻
Ich finde beide gleich gut aber Timmy klingt noch etwas süßer
Gefallen mir beide sehr, aber Timmy hört sich etwas niedlicher an 🙂
Timmy passt gut zu einem Kaninchen.
gefällt mir besser
Hi, kklszjklm.
Das wäre bei mir ganz klar der ‘Theo”.👍😊
Kann ich mir richtig gut vorstellen.
Mit lieben Grüßen, Renate.