Welchen leptop könnt ihr empfehlen?
um damit 3d spiele zu programmieren.
Bin gerade erst noch am üben, jedoch will ich auch mit zb unity und blender arbeiten
ich weiss leider nicht worauf man beim kauf alles achten muss und wollte euch fragen ob ihr leptops empfehlen könnt die unter 500€ kosten
mir ist dabei sehr wichtig dass es ein leptop ist(am besten mit touchscreen ) und kein pc
I would recommend a normal gaming laptop with at least 6GB VRAM of the graphics card.
Also note that not every laptop that is referred to online on any shops as “Gaming Laptop”, is also really one.
Currently, for example, the HP Omen 16 is available, which is also relatively cheap at ebay. For example, HP Omen also has a Ryzen 7 and Radeon 6660M graphics card that has 8GB VRAM, which is rather rare:
Otherwise, you will not find a “Gaming Laptop” below 500€. If you explicitly search for this, these are usually “Fake Gaming Laptops” – they are only titled as “Gaming Laptop”, are actually not, except you are buying those with high risk. Up to $1,000 you’ll find something nice where you have a little longer.
A device with touchscreen you find it rather rare because it has not prevailed. For this you will also pay 200-300€ as a touch screen.
and how about a notebook by lenovo? because they are still in order with the price and you have touchscreen
I recommend that you be advised by an expert.
Only if you can recommend a plane with 400 seats for under 20000 euros.
If this isn’t obvious enough yours should be no, nothing you’ll really have fun with, at most Roblox. Blender rather simple stuff, unity won’t have fun if you do more than test some simple stuff. Unity shouldn’t be really learning or using.
I’m a beginner and that’s enough for me dazzling and unity. could you recommend me a certain model? must also not be under 500 because I can then buy used in case of need
Blender is also a good piece of software there no one has said anything.
Learning Unity is stupid no matter whether beginners or expert as you learn something you will replace with another engine in the end. It’s like you’re driving your car because you want to fly a plane.
Laptops have the problem that you need to pay much more to get the desired performance because you pay for it that it needs to be compact and efficient. At the top, most devices are not well cooled and overheat and join down.
But if I could, you’d have to be clear that you’re getting better computers for the same price. If you have up to 1500 it would be better to have n desktop PC and n light laptop with remote access software
could you recommend me models that are good but not over 1500€
Used Buy is the best option for you. Less than 500€ is rarely a sensible one.
you could also recommend a specific model
For < 500€ to buy a laptop on the Unity and Blender well should not run (even as a beginner when it jolts all the time and does not charge it any fun). Maybe you'll be on Ebay or something. At least 8Gb, better 16 GB RAM should have it already.
How do you find a notebook of lenovo?
Especially for Unity is not only RAM but also VRAM important.
If you want to program games, the PC needs a lot of performance and that does not have a laptop for 500€. Either a PC with zb 32GB RAM, a good GPU/CPU then you’re good.
no chance for the budget.
Why? I am a beginner and I am also a cheaper leptop
apart from price, which model could you recommend
jo dazzler and unity can but kink there you need to grab deeper into the pocket to get something halfway useful. for 500€ you can find at most what used, which is of course always enormous risk at laptops.
could you recommend me models that are good but not over 1500€