Welchen Klassiker von folgenden Titeln könnt Ihr eher empfehlen Terminator2—–Stirb langsam———Gladiator?
Diese 3 Titel wurden mir von meinem Onkel empfohlen.Ich habe hauptsächlich viel mit Lesen verbracht.Filme und Kino war nie wirklich meins gewesen ab und zu mal ein Stallone oder Charles Bronson bzw. Clint Eastwood Streifen angesehen,deswegen da nicht wundern.🫣
All three are just brilliant films. It’s hard for me to just decide for a movie! But I decide for Terminator 2. The best continuation. Everything else after that was crap! But T1 and T2 are simply brilliant. Would both look at me! ECT
Thank you very much.👋🏻
Not for that, very much
I looked at it.In 4K was really a mega blockbuster. With addiction factor. 👍🏻
That was very happy to me and thank you for the star ♥️
All very good movies, look at all three. In a personal ranking, I would place Terminator 2 on 1 and Stirb slowly on 2. Are both the best films for me when it comes to action films.
Sure, you can start with Terminator 1 as well, it’s pretty good and you should look at it sometime, but at the 2. Partly it definitely doesn’t get up and you’ll understand everything if you haven’t seen the first part yet.
All good movies ðŸ ̃‰ Why just Terminator 2? Just like Stirb, you should start with part 1. Admittedly, the films may seem a bit old-fashioned today if you compare them with current productions and have no nostalgia glasses on your nose 😁
He meant* if he recommends a terminator part then does the best of the series.
I agree with him, but still think that you should start with part 1 purely from the sequence of the action.
Yes he meant some sink scene
The explosion of a nuclear bomb. But I mean, it’s in part two. Is really long since I saw this 😉
To be honest, I don’t remember a scene from Terminator that would be comparable to Gladiator. It’s quite hard. Terminator is more relaxed action. Sure, people are being shot, but that’s not so wild now.
I don’t know.
I don’t know if the unpleasant scene he thinks of terminator is similar to that of gladiator?
Okay, then I’m surprised he’s recommending Gladiator. It’s pretty brutal.
The second one should be more humor.
OK. Because he meant the 2nd part the (handling) becomes quite clear in the introduction and the first part would have scenes that I might not like.
All three films are brilliant.
Whatever you choose, it’s always the right one.
All three films, according to the generality, are among the best films of all time!
Clearly Gladiator.