Welchen Job ab 15?

welchen Job sind empfehlenswert die ich am Samstag oder Sonntag machen könnte wohne in Wien bin in der 1sten Oberstufe.

vielen dank im Voraus

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1 month ago

I’m working at a baker as a mini-job, and I’ve already done it with 15. However, you do not always accept all because special requirements must be observed. So how long and when you can work. From my side, however, I can highly recommend it. People are all nice and you have to make things like rolls, stand in front of the counter and sell and sometimes make breakfast when there is another café. You can ask in the vicinity. However, I live in Germany and have no idea what it looks like in Austria with the specifications.

Often there is also a direct presence when there is something from 16 years and at the latest in a year, you can actually make all the mini-job moderate.

1 month ago

Watch out for children that can make fun if you like them

1 month ago

So it is always sought in bakeries or supermarkets (but can be very exhausting in the long term)

If you’re good at school, you can also give help