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Honey from the beekeeper or regionally from the farm shop (I take it for my porridge), butter from demeter from the farm shop and sourdough bread from my friend selnst baked or from Iphofen!
Honey always only from the local beekeeper, never armed imported goods. You just need to pay attention to these glasses:
(Source: Wikipedia)
Butter is butter, but I also care about regional origin, just like bread, of course I get it from one of the local bakers.
Until a few years ago, I still claimed that this is also cheap honey of real honey.
I’m not sure anymore. The counterfeiters (China) are getting better and better.
I used to have bees myself, and my father was a hobbie. Today, I also buy my honey from native Imkern.
Since I eat healthy: Nothing of it
Honey is healthy and the right bread is also
Honey of bees, butter from milk of cows and bread from cereals.
lg up
are there any other honey? rather buy at the beekeeper or make sure it is beekeeper honey
Regarding the fact that the FS is not interested in the answers anyway and the question in the next few days will probably still ask x times in the one or other variation, it is relatively irrelevant…
Thank you, but I’m not a honey friend. :
the info was meant for you, the normal honey from the discounder, must expect that he is armored with inferior honey from China and all over the world
Sourdough bread, real butter and solid flower honey (bio).
I am friends with several inns whose products I prefer. At the moment, I normally have a forest honey in use, but at cold symptoms I take a linden blossom honey.
I avoid rape honey and honey from unknown or non-German origin. There are many products from South America on the market.
Hello honey only from the beekeeper near me, butter no, only plant margarine and rye bread and peasant bread, for breakfast also 2 slices of yeast pot
Honey from neighbor’s bees from the kitchen cabinet, butter from the rewe from the refrigerator and sourdough bread from the baker from the freezer, freshly baked.
Just look at the label, probably just like “Honey from EU and non-EU countries”.
This name is rather an anti-quality.
I don’t care, I taste the stuff and I care about it