Welchen Fisch esst ihr am liebsten und zu was?
Ich mag Seezunge, Rotbarsch und Dorade am liebsten. Mit Pommes😁 Esse ich aber auch zu allem anderen.
Ich mag Seezunge, Rotbarsch und Dorade am liebsten. Mit Pommes😁 Esse ich aber auch zu allem anderen.
Ich habe Angst, wenn die Pfanne brennt wie in Filmen ich habe Hunger und möchte was aus Youtube nachkochen . Sie kommen erst Montag wieder und habe keine Lust auf die Fertiggerichte
hallo zusammen, damit das Hackfleisch schnell auftaut, habe ich es in kaltes Wasser gelegt. Jedoch war es in keiner luftdichten Tüte. Jetzt ist die leider beim auftauen, Wasser an das Hackfleisch gelangt. Kann ich es trotzdem verwenden??
hallo meine Frage war ob es Fische gibt die ohne Pflanzen auskommen (240 liter Aquarium)
Kostet es Energie beim Backofen wenn ich NUR die Temperatur auf einer Einstellung lasse ohne ihn anzumachen? Man sagte mir es würde auch Strom “fressen”
Die ultimative Frage. Für manche ein Graus für manche ein Schmaus. Ich kann es nicht leiden. Es sollte weg. Aber was meint ihr? Soll der Burger das Gürkchen behalten, oder sollte es vom Reich des Geschmacks verbannt werden?
I like zander, e.g. a risotto or vegetable noodles
Or salmon with lemon cream sauce on Tagliatelle
Yesterday with Japanese panco panco panning cod gave quite simple to potato punch with spring onions
Sezunge with lemon butter I felt 100 years ago eating on holiday, a poem but the fish is too expensive to me and in the restaurant often fake (you get mostly roasting)
Kibbeling, you can also make yourself from e.g. cod or also squid in the fried
On the To Try list is still fish by Szechuan type with rice
On/to the bread may be a bit of smoked salmon, peppercorns or an aal – the latter must be thin and very fresh, preferably still hot from the smoked oven. Unfortunately we are too far away from the lake so that it is just a reminder of various holidays:(
Oh, yeah, Zander’s fine!
Last time I got one, freshly fished out of the Elbe. It was the first time, but certainly not the last time!
I’ve seen one of them fishing from the dam last night, and I’d like to overthrow the successful angler;)
He said that there would always be a zander here, but they would usually be too small or too smart, so real luck. That wasn’t exactly a little guy. I would appreciate that he was so poorly long if I would take my arm here, so around the 50cm with head and fins, more than less.
But the good man has promised me to pass on to me a little bit of a splendour, because I had reported wild anglers and an illegal fire place at the time…. if next year is fishing again maybe, the fish are currently sleeping deep down while it is fringinging up.
I really like Zander with potato crust. Or tuna (as steak with sesame crust or as tuna tar)
Wolfsbarsch, Dorade, Cod, Scholle, Lump, Sardinen, Makrelen, Matjes, Wittling, Bachforelle, Saibling, Egli, Lachs but only smoked … tuna, swordfish and and and and
often with rice but also with grilled vegetables or potatoes
Fresh sardines with Koblauch and Rrosmarin(both whole and next) fried with little olive oil on the plate above the campfire, insulated pike.
I like plaice and redfish. Self-made potato puree and vegetables.
Trouble is always good
Furnace potato with prawn and salmon.
I don’t like fish. Just in sushi.
Besides carp, I like every fish and crustaceans. Very welcome
Seelach fillet with potatoes and vegetables
Seelachs and self-made Dill sauce, with potatoes.
a GUTEN Matjes
Zander with rice and lemon butter sauce.
If ever, I like salmon. Or I won’t eat fish.