Welchen finanziellen Schaden entsteht der DB durch den Streik?
Und müsste dieser Verlust den Streikenden von ihrem Gehalt einbehalten werden?
Und müsste dieser Verlust den Streikenden von ihrem Gehalt einbehalten werden?
Hallo, Keiner kann mich im schulbeginn zur schule fahren von meinen Eltern und die strecke ist ziemlich lang, da ich in dwr anderen stadt seite wohne.
Ich will mir das Deutschlandticket im Abo holen , als Chipkarte . Gilt die Chipkarte für die komplette Zeit des Abos oder bekomme ich jeden Monat eine neue zugeschickt ?
Ab Donnerstag wird wieder einmal gestreikt und das für 35 Stunden, findet ihr das gut ❓ Und danach soll spontan gestreikt werden ohne Vorwarnung, wie findet ihr das ❓
Ich habe keine Möglichkeiten kein S-Bahn kein Fahrrad kein Taxi kein Mitarbeiter der mich abholt zu Fuß auch nicht
Also, man darf mit einem VRS Monatsticket am Wochenende in ganz NRW (also auch Aachen) fahren. (Hier) Ich will mit dem Bus 350 (der auch mit dem Ticket gefahren werden darf), betrieben von der niederländischen Arriva nach Vaals (NL) fahren. Ich hab jetzt allerdings Angst, dass der Fahrer das Ticket nicht kennt und mich rauswirft,…
Ask the press office, there will be no answer here, who knows the exact numbers reliably.
And no, of course, strikers don’t have to get up for it. It is your right to strike if they adhere to the requirements that the GDL does, for example. The employer does not have to pay for the time and that was it. The right to strike would be ambiguous if it would not bring the employer to the negotiating table.
No, on the contrary, the railroad causes financial damage to the GDL due to its rejection of the legitimate GDL claims, because the strike, which is therefore unfortunately necessary, must pay the GDL money to its members. The railway should transfer this damage to the GDL.
The strikers won’t pay for the corresponding days.
The financial damage which the DB suffers from by taking less they have to pay themselves, it is obviously lower than to respond to the demands of the union
No, the Verursacher principle also applies here. Has the G and her comrades to answer and carry it alone. In the future, they will be forced to negotiate.
The hurricane of the railway also carries the damage. They obviously have not made a negotiating counter offer. If they can give their board millions of bonus payments, there seems to be money in general.
The cause of the damage is the path, not the worker who perceives his right to strike.
And what the many poor travellers have to bear about it. In addition, the train tickets are then increased again in the price
Have you ever heard of interest? The amount of money we spend more and more each year, the money becomes more and more worthless.
But this is normal in a growth society and not bad. Ideally, your wages develop above inflation and productivity increases.
Actually, only the people complain that everything becomes more expensive, whose salaries develop below the rate of inflation. In the end, everyone has in their own hands what he deserves and how much money can be eaten from inflation. A possibility for people who are employed in collective agreements is collective bargaining, which can end in the event of disagreement in the strike.
Well, the good old times of abundance are over. Now it’s all about it. But many citizens do not want to fully understand it….” Everything becomes more expensive,” they only complain. And why is everything getting more expensive?
That’s life. Just because the rights of others do not fit you, it does not change the laws in this country. You can also negotiate more money so that the rising prices do not meet you. It is up to the railway to prevent strikes in which fair contracts are negotiated. If they don’t, the strike is the last remedy. You better complain about the DB
So the days they don’t get to work are also deducted from the salary – that’s right.
No, I didn’t mean that. But they are asked to pay extra because they caused these financial losses of the D-Bahn by their strike. You know, your union can take it. Because this is the instigator of this strike
So that could have prevented the DB. infinity. So the strike caused the DB itself.
Negotiating, however, presupposes a reasonable increase in salary expectations and not completely overtrial. And the 35th week with full wage compensation. These times have long been over in D. to finance this.