Welchen Beruf könnte ich ausüben?
Ich möchte später studieren ich habe den Studiengang Informationstechnik und Elektrotechnik gesehen und dachte mir das deckt meine Interessen sehr gut ab.
Ich kann gut Mathe und Logisches Denken und habe eine Ahnung von Technik und Computern.
Aber meine Frage ist ob ich nach dem Studium einen gut bezahlten Job bekommen kann oder es vielleicht schwer wird.
Ich könnte auch einen Master oder so dazu machen.
Wenn ihr denkt der Studiengang ist nicht so gut habt ihr vielleicht andere Ideen?
Danke an alle Hilfreichen Antworten.
With this job you have very good professional opportunities. I am currently looking for jobs and looking for companies that are on the move in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, but I am looking for something in the field of project management.
In any case, I see a lot of tenders for all good companies. People in this field with 3-5 years of professional experience can be very good with an annual gross salary of 55 to 65 Tsd. Euro. This is very above average for dependent employment.
Of course, besides a good study, you also need to gain good practical experience so that you can earn money and get into a good business. Therefore, you should see that you complete good internships during your studies or even apply to a student office in your field with a company.
Thank you will in any case make me strenuous and provide as good services as possible in your studies
Good performance is important, but practical experience is at least as important. Just wanted to say it again. Find internships, secondary jobs or student jobs, apply to relevant industry distributors and newsletters, try trade fairs, etc. To establish contacts. So you’re a candidate who takes every business with a kiss hand right after studying.
And even if for some reason the services are not so pralle, you can balance it very well with practical experience and good industry knowledge and stand on two legs.
This allows us to start with €600,000 a year + a maximum of €9,000 a year premium + company cars.
Sounds good