Welchen Aufwand/Kosten wenn ein Elektriker ein 0,6Kw Balkonkraftwerk “abnimmt”?

Ich würde gerne ein 0,6Kw Balkonkraftwerk aufbauen.
Planung/Montage ist kein Thema.
Allerdings würde die Förderung von 200€ gerne mitnehmen. Und die gibts nur wenn ein Elektriker eine Wieland Einspeisedose anklemmt und die Konformität zur VDE 4105 bestätigt.
Was mag sowas kosten?

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2 years ago

You have to find one who makes the head first and then explain it with him.

It is often the case that the working time for this is almost the same as when they install the system themselves, because the electrician wants to check and see everything in the end.

Many do not do that at the end because they would otherwise assume the liability for errors you have incorporated.

The answer now refers more generally to electrical assembly and less explicitly to balcony power plants would, however, assume that it is similar here.

2 years ago

I see it like User Kelec.

For 2-3 years I have similar time-consuming mini tasks. (Maybe 20 minutes work.)

In the case of a description, reference is always made to the hopeless appointment situation. “Not possible in the near future.”

I’ve tried to win cash. Even at 150 € cash, no cat was to lure behind the oven.

Good Luck.

2 years ago

It is difficult to provide accurate information without further information. The costs for an electrician who “losses” a 0.6 kW balcony power plant and confirms conformity to the VDE 4105 can vary depending on the region, electricians and other factors. It would be best to contact an electrician near you to get more detailed information.