Welchen Adventskalender zu Weihnachten?
Hallo, in paar Wochen ist schon Dezember und ich habe mir schon Gedanken drüber gemacht welchen Adventskalender ich dieses Jahr möchte.ich habe schon über Beauty oder Schoko nachgedacht. Habt ihr noch andere Ideen oder Vorschläge?
mymüsli, Pokemon, Harry Potter
I find an Advent calendar of Six this year very beautiful. There are several, some are only filled with charms, others also include real chains, earrings etc. I don’t know now whether the quality is so good at the price as I haven’t tested it myself, but I find the content in itself quite beautiful. At Amazon, among others:
or the one here:
They’re both of six now, but as far as I know others, you’ll find them at Amazon.
I don’t know if you’re looking for jewellery, you have to like it, but I personally find the very cool and also quite favorable, of course, the quality can be contested.
You have also said something about beauty and chocolate, there are always very nice at dm at good prices. There are also those with such knallereien, so where then not only chocolate, but also other things are inside or even beauty calendars. The Balea is always very good and also cheap. I myself had one of alverde last year, which I also found good, but I don’t know if they have this year. You can look here:
I hope there’s something here and I could help 🙂
Greetings and fun at the order!
Thank you very much.
Online Advent calendar such as Aldiventskalender, Kaufland, Edeka and much more
Well – you can nail yourself to the wall of 24 beers – you also have something of 🙂
I bought mine at the Lidl. It is filled with tasty chocolates and has 2 vouchers worth at least 5 euros each and if you have luck it can become even more 500,– Euro. There is also something to win. Since it costs 14,99 euros, minus the minimum 10,– Euro coupons (to redeem at the Lidl) it is not so expensive.