Welche Zigaretten unter 15 Euro haben ne menge in der Schachtel?

Ich rauche gerne JSP Blau und habe mir die für 16€ letzte Woche geholt mit 44 drin gibt es noch günstigere wo so viel drin ist

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2 months ago

It is understandable that you are looking for cheaper cigarettes with a high number of pieces per box. Prices and pack sizes vary according to brand and region. JPS Blue is already one of the larger packs with 44 cigarettes per box, and you are right that they are in the upper price range.

Cigarettes with a similar amount (over 40 cigarettes per pack) and a lower price than 16 Euro are not very common, but here are a few brands that might please you and are somewhat cheaper:

1. West Blue / West Red

  • Price: As a rule, between 12 and 14 euros (depending on region and offer).
  • Package size: West cigarettes often exist in larger packs, such as 43 cigarettes per box. West offers a good balance between price and quantity, and the cigarettes are generally somewhat cheaper than JPS.

Two. Gauloises Blonde

  • Price: Around 13 to 14 euros.
  • Package size: 42 cigarettes. Gauloises is a well-known brand and offers larger packages that are comparable to JPS, but somewhat cheaper.

3. Lucky Strike

  • Price: About 13 to 14 euros.
  • Package size: 42 cigarettes. Lucky Strike offers packs in larger sizes and is often found in the middle price segment.

4. Pall Mall

  • Price: Around 12 to 13 euros.
  • Package size: 40 to 44 cigarettes. Pall Mall is one of the best-known cheaper brands offering larger packages.

Five. Moonlight

  • Price: Approximately 12 to 13 euros.
  • Package size: 42 cigarettes. Moon cigarettes are a very inexpensive brand in Germany, which also offers larger packs.

6. Superkings

  • Price: Around 12 to 13 euros.
  • Package size: 40 cigarettes. This brand also offers larger packages, mostly in the price range below 15 euros.

Prices may vary according to region and provider, and you could find offers or promotions in your tobacco business or supermarket that further reduce prices.


There are some alternatives like Blue, Gauloises Blonde, Lucky Strike or Pall Mall, which offer a similar number of cigarettes per box and are cheaper than JPS Blue. The best way to check in your region is to check the current prices, as there are often also promotions.

lg pmanate

2 months ago
Reply to  pmanat

Super AI answer you copyed out.

2 months ago
Reply to  pmanat

Prices may vary according to region and provider, and you could find offers or promotions in your tobacco business or supermarket that further reduce prices.

You can see what a blunt KIs often say. In Germany, cigarettes are price-bound. There are no regional differences in price and special offers that are also prohibited by law. Cigarettes always cost exactly the price on the control banderole. This is the same everywhere in Germany.

2 months ago
Reply to  pmanat

GPT greets. Wow.

2 months ago
Reply to  pmanat

the answer is completely unconcrete xD

2 months ago

Huh? You buy them for 16 euros and want to know which cost under 15 euros? So at L&M there are 41 pieces for 15 euros.