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All cigarettes guarantee you bad illnesses and even death. Cigarettes are poison and destroy your lungs. Good cigarettes do not exist
Smoking is never good and therefore probably not a cigarette or a cigarette. Brand best can be known to you.
which brand you will like best you will have to make for yourself as everyone has a different taste and therefore every smoker prefers another brand.
There are many sublime tastes, I find Pall Mall red best so far, which are also a bit cheaper than Marlboro, but it also just comes up to it as you best taste
Most I know smoking but Marlboro red
For me either L&M red 100 or EVE120. This is a very individual thing
The ones you don’t smoke are the ones.
Not much better
If you need to call a purely theoretical damage potential in the low single-digit percentage range compared to tobacco smoke and a practically non-detectable harmful effect “not much better”…
Of course, steam is better than smoke!
Find Pall mall good
You’re 15!
Thank you for your answer.
Always happy
Keep smoking what problems!
Find help! You’re too young for shit
at the time is not today, let it mix and do something else
At that time, no one interested
yet, you are still in growth, you are harming yourself and you just can’t
I think it’s not that bad now
then the thema is absolutely inappropriate for you!
The Dutch “van Andern” are not always the best, but the cheapest.
I don’t know I just smoke that my friend usually buys L&M
marlboro red I find
No, why?
Yeah, bad?
Are you smoker?
Those who stay in the packaging. Just leave it.
The without filter, the vitamins are not absorbed.
L&M red or Marlboro red
No cigarettes are best and healthiest.
No cigarettes are good. And I say that as a smoker.
Marlboro red or gum
They don’t smoke.
So those of chocolate?
From gum
They don’t exist anymore.
They don’t exist anymore.
Marlboro or Gauloises
the one you don’t smoke. And this answer is fucking serious.
The ones you don’t smoke!
Smoking is DRECK!
No one.
Constellstion cigarillos are the best for me 😃
Chewing gum