Which ornamental fish are "winter hardy" for the pond?
I'm currently looking for a colorful, relatively small fish species for my small, unheated pond. I'd appreciate any tips 🙂
I'm currently looking for a colorful, relatively small fish species for my small, unheated pond. I'd appreciate any tips 🙂
I wanted to get a new CO2 bottle because my current one is empty, and the store doesn't have any Dennerle CO2 bottles. Can I just use one from JBL?
I am looking for an additional "color food" for my Kakadu dwarf cichlids. They are currently fed frozen bloodworms and, as live food, Artemia and "hoppers" that are native to the aquarium. While searching for color food I came across the following: Söll Organix Super Colour Pellets Tetra Pro Color premium lining Tetra Rubin main…
Hello, I got the fishing license for Neckar section 5 yesterday. The seller gave me the catch book and told me that the map showing exactly where I am allowed to fish is available on the website https://www.anglermap.de/angeln/steckbrief-gewaesser.php?id=neckar-heilbronn-neckar-mitte . However, I don't know how to read them and where exactly I'm allowed to fish. Can…
I'm going to Croatia in a few weeks and was planning to try sea fishing there. Now I'm going on vacation to Novigrad. I have a boat and I want to go fishing in the bays. Now my question, does anyone have any tips and can tell me which assembly Which bait Which fishing rod…
Hello, I've had two non-adult angelfish in my aquarium for about a week now. Today I noticed that the angelfish are nudging the other fish. I don't know if it's pinching or biting. I have guppies, platys and mollies in the aquarium and the two angelfish have a 500l tank that is nicely planted with…
Can I have LED strips in my room or will that confuse my fish in the aquarium or be harmful to them?
Goldfische. Aber der Teich muss natürlich schon recht tief sein, sonst hast du halt Fisch im Eisblock…. Kannte da mal wen… der dachte 30cm Teich tiefe müssen doch reichen ….
War das Frage fĂĽr einen Freund?
Medaka sollen da gut gehen…
Naja winterhart sind die aber auch nicht
Ich habe schon von einigen gehört das sie in Teichen überwintert haben, sogar mit Eisfläche oben drauf. Darf halt nur nicht ganz durchfrieren.