Welche zeitschaltuhr für Aquarium?

Ich habe mir vor einem Monat ein nanoaquarium gekauft und habe auch schon Fische drin, jetzt habe ich gelesen das man das licht mit einer zeitschaltuhr an und aus schalten sollte. Welche Ware da am besten? Und wie schalte ich das licht nicht direkt komplett aus? Würde mich über jeden Tipp freuen

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2 years ago


And how do I not take the light completely?

Without proper control, that’s not gonna happen, because it’s just going on or off!

I used to control my tubes over various timer clocks in my early days, so that they went on and off one after the other. This might be a way for you, two timer clocks, one for the main lighting and one for the small “night lighting” you could turn on/off one after the other! It is quite unimportant whether mechanical or digital.

2 years ago

Dimming isn’t going. I don’t want any mechanical hollers that are too loud to me, for example. You can best look for a digital with dcf. Since the time is adjusted regularly.

2 years ago

there is a very cheap mechanical timer for 3 euro from the cheap home.

you cannot turn on or off the light. either on or off.

2 years ago

Building market. You’ll get cheap. But what fish are you holding in 25 litres?

2 years ago
Reply to  TheBomberTV

It’s not kind. Neonsalmler and Moskitobärblinge MINDESTENS 60 liters. And then also MINDESTY 10 animals of any kind