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1 year ago

“The table is Now covered.” So present. Active.

“The table has been covered” would be passive perfect.

At “he jumped” the verb jumped. “The table is covered” is the verb. ‘cover’ is not the verb, but an adjective that describes how the table is. Just like “the table is beautiful” is an adjective.

10 months ago
Reply to  diderot2019

No, that’s not true.

cover + A: covers, covers, has covered (transitive, passive verb)

All examples in the present:

  • Active: I cover the table.
  • The table is covered. (We cannot eat yet.)
  • The table is covered. (He’s done and we can eat.)

jumping: jumping, jumping, jumping (intransitive verb, only operation is possible).

  • Active: Here the athletes jump. Here you jump.
  • Passover: Here you jump.
10 months ago
Reply to  diderot2019

That’s interesting. I don’t know who to agree. 🤔
Something’s done with the table. The table feels like the ceiling.
When the table top is finished with the ceiling, the feeling of the ceiling is finished for the table. A finished state has become out of suffering. The table is no longer suffering, but now has a different appearance than before.
Ergo: “The table is covered” is a state description. Neither active nor passive.

1 year ago

The sentence is in the present (time form) and in the passive, more precisely in state passivity. The procedure would be: the table is covered. LG Catsandmusic

10 months ago


Passive forms can be in two different types are divided: In Process control and in State-passive. They differ in their shape, condition and use.


The table is covered (passiv) The process-passiv describes the process of an action!

The table is covered (state passivity) The state passiv describes the state after a completed action!

These two different forms of passivity, process and state passivity, as follows: to distinguish and apply:

Operational passivation: auxiliary verb “will” + Parizip II of full verb cover.” It can be set in all time forms. These individual forms:

Present: The table is covered

Imperfect: The table was covered

Perfect: The table has been covered

Plusquamperfekt: The table had been covered

State-passiv: Hilsverb “his” + Partizip II of the full verb “cover”. It can be put in all forms. However, the present and the imperfect occur much more frequently than the perfect and the plush fect

Present: The table is covered

Imperfect: The table was covered

Perfect: The table has been covered

Plusquamperfekt: The table had been covered

The table is coveredPresenting the state passiv!

10 months ago
Reply to  Regilindis

This is not correct.

  1. Someone covered the table. (Active Perfect)
  2. The table has been covered. (Exit Perfect)

1 or 2 ➔ Result: The table is covered. (Member State) Meaning: The table is ready now, and the food can be served.

  1. I had covered the table. (Active plush fect)
  2. The table was covered. (Exit-passiv Plusquamperfekt)

1 or 2 ➔ Result: The table was covered. (Constantial Preteriority) Meaning: The table was ready and the food could be served.

  1. Someone covered the table. (Active Preteriority)
  2. The table was covered. (Preteriority pass)

Directly after the end of 1 or 2 the table was covered. (Constantial Preteriority) And if no one has taken place at the table and eaten, if no one has cleared the unused table, then it is still covered. (Member State)


I could now also bring example sets for “The table had been covered” and “The table has been covered” but we want to leave it with the usual grammar forms.