Welche Wurst magst Du am liebsten?
Ich meine sowohl Würste wie Weißwurst oder Currywurst, aber auch Salami, Bierschinken, …
Ich meine sowohl Würste wie Weißwurst oder Currywurst, aber auch Salami, Bierschinken, …
Es ist ja bekannt, dass Kuhmilch schlecht für die Haut ist und aufgrund der Estrogene schlecht fürs Testosteron, ist dies bei Rohmilch ebenfalls so? Auch habe ich gehört, dass Rohmilch gut für den Wachstum sein soll.. was steckt da dahinter? Würd mich mal interessieren! MFG
Habe für 1 Liter 5€ bezahlt
Welche, vergleichsweise günstigen, Lebensmittel empfehlt ihr zu kaufen von denen man länger was hat und die immer im Haus sein sollten? Sowas wie Mehl, Brot, Bananen… weitere Empfehlungen?
Was kann passieren??
Mug bread with raisins. It’s really Western.
What’s all in there?
Wikipedia says the following:
The main ingredients are bacon, pig mask, pork snake, pig blood and rye meal or wheat flour.
To prepare, the masks are peeled and cooked in water. The bacon is small dice and blanched. After that, the still warm masks are comminuted with the swarms, blood and onions to a fine porridge. The bacon cubes are typically seasoned with nitrite pickle salt, pepper, spice wrinkles, piment, muscat and marjoram and lift them under the porridge. Finally, the latter is bound with the flour or scrap and the mass is formed into spheres or Laiben similar to bread.
These are cooked in hot water and cooled before consumption.
Is definitely a nice calorie bomb.
You can roast it or eat it as slices on the bread. Or out of hand.
Remember Grützwurst, but it’s harder. Similar to soft chocolate.
On bread I love Hungarian Kolbasz, as Bratwurst cheeses, in the soup Frankfurter, but only from my butcher.
My current favorite is the beer sausage. Fresh from the butcher, of course. And she’s got the advantage she’s already holding in the fridge.
Delicious liver sausage from the bioyard. When I eat sausage 😉
apfel-zwiebel leberwurst or house battles.
As a real Bayer of course Nuremberger
So real Franke.
Since when do real Bavaria think that Franken belongs to Bavaria…?!
Pffff Bayern mus to stop
Ah, Haber, give up? Against n Wittelsbacher sigst koa Land, gei
Puff fits slo let mas
We don’t want to have anything to do with the green forest and Seehofer.
This is Regensburger Wahl
Regensburger were always Haberer
Pffff sans deppert, Ingolstadt wil jetad make the big Maka. Mei mei mei
I’m a cock.
For a price like dia,
From Ingolstadt, the only city over which the Bavarian flag always wore, has never been invaded and has never surrendered (except in ww).
Who shot Gustav Adolf? We’re smarter. You Regensburger would have been overrant
So 2/3 of Bavaria isn’t Bavaria? And Regensburg is only half of Bavarian. I think you’re a Prussian agent who wants us columns.
And above the Danube Bavaria stops.
Franken is not Bavaria.
We gave them to Napoleon as thanks.
When we found out what he put us in the eye, we were on the side of books. Napoleon then lost
I even have the Bavarian Pass
Ne because for unimportant I have no place for me is everything outside of Bavaria prices except Austria
Yes, they are.
That’s Franken.
And Franken is not Bavaria.
As a real Bayer or Franke, you knew that.
Nuremberg is in Bavaria?
N real Bayer would never admit to standing on a Franconian sausage
Pepper salami, I like it.
It’s fun. A good coarse sausage is then a bit further forward.
As a slice of ham sausage and as a meat dish simple sausage.
Bockwurst, Bratwurst, Currywurst, Leber-, Mett-, Jagd-, Cervelatwurst, Salami.
Beer sausage <-> Göttinger.
But it should be very fine, must have mustard grains and not big fat eyes. (very fine, not too rough) Unfortunately, the one butcher does so and the other so.
I prefer to eat Sucuk, this is a Turkish garlic sausage, type of our salami, just more delicious. It tastes best warm.
The normal sausage.
Grobe Bratwurst, Mettwurst, Liver sausage, Wildsalami.