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8 months ago

Incense lets patients hope, as studies have shown the effect on the brain, it is a very special preparation.

Study proves efficacy in multiple sclerosis

In aPilot studyresearchers in Hamburg and Kiel treated 28 MS patients with an incense preparation prepared specifically for the study. It was found that the anti-inflammatory effect was significantly more pronounced than it had assumed in advance. On the basis of magnetic resonance tomography, the doctors observed the effect of incense on the brain of the test persons over three years. They saw that significantly fewer inflammatory hearts and strokes occurred in the brain of MS patients when they had taken the incense preparation.

In order to slow down acute illnesses, MS patients usually take cortisone. This works well, but also has considerable side effects. The high-dose Pharmaceutical incense in the study was comparable in effect, but better tolerated. The researchers see great potential in incense, not only for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, but also for other inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory skin diseases, inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases or other autoimmune diseases.,weihrauch112.html

8 months ago

Depends on what kind of mixture you burn like and under what circumstances. At least I’d say.


8 months ago

Certain ingredients in incense are psychoactive and can calm down.,brain%20stimulated%20and%20equivalent%20.

8 months ago

Makes you believe everything in the altar.

8 months ago

Look at the people and decide for themselves. 😀

8 months ago
