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Hi, Blueorange25.
If whisky, then it was with me a Jack Daniels.❗️❗️❗️
I’m sure it didn’t stay with a “Jacky.”
Greetings, Renate.
You seem to ask Bourbon explicitly. Personally, Bourbon doesn’t tell me very much.
Your question is unprecise, because both from JD and JB there are plenty of bottling, from the cheap mass standards that a whisk(e)y lover would not drink to significantly better and more expensive bottling.
If Bourbon, then not the cheap lines. For example, I would take the Wild Turkey 101 or the Woodford Reserve. Both play in a league other than the cheap Jack Daniels’ and Jim Beams. These two cheap bottling won’t come to my house.
Overall, I prefer Malt Whisky, i.d. R. Single Malt. There are very exciting drops in between, except Scotland, from a number of other countries. Even from the USA.
Whiskey with “e” usually means Bourbon. But maybe you should have written Bourbon. Bourbon and whisky are quite different.
But no matter, I don’t want to confuse anything and sometimes it must be Burbon, for example to mix a whiskey sour or a mint julep.
I find Jack Daniels quite OK, I usually find Makers Mark or Wild Turkey at the bar.
I usually prefer whisky. e.g. Caol Ila, Laphroaig, Talisker etc.
Cheap doesn’t always have to be bad, but I don’t think JB or JD are budget beads. For relatively little one gets a grenade such as the Straight Rye from the Freimeister collective. For some cocktails you need explicitly Bourbon, because I prefer Buffalo Trace.
I think Isle of Islay Whiskey is good. I like to snoop on it, but not necessarily smell the notes described.
Absinth smells good for me too. But I don’t drink any alcohol.
The whisky from Scotland, also from Isla, is written without “e”.
That the English word is written as “island” without e, I consider a rumor. And “Isla Whiskey” doesn’t even know Google, as “Islay” is suggested. You seem different from me. I mean and there your strange spelling is not used. So obviously we mean different things.
No. typos or auto correction. Sorry. I have some bottles of Islay at home, especially Kilchoman and Laphraoig. It was about the writing of whisky, which is written in Scotland without the internal e, in Ireland and the USA, so whiskey.
the two brands you called you are only good for Cola mix.
Buy decent single malt from highlands;-)
Sure, it costs three times, but it’s good.
I had two bourbons in a glass long years ago: my first and my last. If so, Scotch. The one or the other Irish is still drinkable.
I practically never drink whisky, so I prefer the burnt water from stone fruits.
Whiskey Maximum with Cola …. That’s enough for the cheap.
Otherwise, I like to drink high-percent liqueurs.
I usually drink Chiva’s shelf, Glenfiddich, Lagavulin, Ardbeg and Laphroaig.
if only single malt scotch!
I think whiskey is overvalued.
I don’t drink any liquor, but I don’t even drink a supermarket
Springbank 🙂
At the FDP no whisky is drunk 😬, there are too stiff to 😋
There is only investing in alcohol and brewery shares, more percentages get nowhere! 😅
just a glass of egg liqueur