welche waage ist genauer?


ich wollte mal fragen welche waage genauer ist: eine analoge waage oder meine digitale? Ich wiege mich auf der analogen immer nach / während dem Krafttraining und dort sehe ich auch wie die Zahl weiter runter geht, da ich im Kaloriendefizit bin. Die digitale zeigt mir allerdings mehr Gewicht im gegensatz zu der im Gym an. Welche stimmt eher?

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1 year ago

If both scales are on a straight, solid and flat surface and both are still in the calibration time, this is actually strange.

However, as time passes and also tends to tasty, food or toilets, there can already be a difference. It is also important to wear the same clothes.

1 year ago

Get a third opinion 😉

Household scales of all kinds do not weigh more precisely than +/- 1, so differences are always there.

1 year ago

To do this, you would have to take your scales to the gym and place them next to the analogues.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dracojolina

Somehow, scales weigh different weights at different locations.

1 year ago

The cheap digital cars are scrap and cannot be taken seriously for precise weighing. So in your case, I type the scale with the analogue display.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dracojolina

I have so many digital scales between 20 and 80 euros: all inaccurate. If you just turned around, there were big differences. So I bought a real scale of core and it doesn’t lick around, but it’s pretty good.