Welche Vorurteile gegenüber Bassisten kennt ihr?
Ich bekomm als Bassist natürlich allerlei schlechte Witze zu hören, haut mal all die Vorurteile und Klischees von Bassisten sind immer spät bis Bass kann doch jeder depp spielen raus.
Ich bekomm als Bassist natürlich allerlei schlechte Witze zu hören, haut mal all die Vorurteile und Klischees von Bassisten sind immer spät bis Bass kann doch jeder depp spielen raus.
Ich habe zwei Tickets für den Innenraum beim Rammstein Konzert in der Veltins Arena am 31. Juli. Der Einlass beginnt ja um 16 Uhr. Wann sollte man ca. da sein um relativ weit vorne stehen zu können bzw. kann man auch nachher noch nach vorne kommen? LG Nick
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Ansage in the Backstage area of the Live Club:
“Every musician and also the bassist are on stage!” ^++ XD
Honestly, except for bad jokes – and there are about every musician – I do not know any prejudice to bassists.
I have been traveling in the music scene for 30 years and “internal” is actually more respect – there are few prejudices in the room. And if, then more individual prejudices, because this bass person is told some call.
I don’t know a single prejudice against and no stupid jokes about bassists.
Such a thing would be quite stupid, because what could you prejudge on a bassist?
For example, that he is not only a fundamental part of the so-called “rhythmus” of a band, but also a decisive factor in the tonality and expression of the entire sound construct of a band? Can’t be!
But society seems to be more and more brazing; Unfortunately, there is also an ever-lowering feeling for music, not even talking about music.
A “prejudice” is, as the term already makes clear, a verdict that someone already falls before he has the slightest idea. In other words, it can only be liked by a mental total agent.
So our guitarist is firmly convinced that bassists are the ones in the band who have the greatest “drug knowledge” or, in well-in-German, just consume the most…
Otherwise, I just have to listen to spells that affect the strings… I can afford the 5th beer, if only 4 strings aren’t that bad, etc.
But of course, it’s just nicely meant (I’m hoping)… as well as you can make good with most instruments 😌😂
I just have the impression that the bassist is always the best looking band member.
😊… and I always had the impression that it was the drummer. 😊
You always see it so badly behind all the drum towers, but I have to pay attention.
That’s it!
a bassist