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It is worth not to live there if you have to transfer the entire salary to the landlord.
It is worth living there only as a visitor, as a tenant/worker you will not be appreciated in this city.
So I can only guess to move there.
Would say for a little older from mid-30, who want both city and impressive nature, the best address in Germany if you can afford it. I used to be the fan, no other city would ever be in question in Germany. I also like that I am relatively fast in Slovenia, Croatia or Italy. And from the cultural possibilities it is enough for me with the middle of 40. The overall package makes it easy.
But I have to say that they went past Munich.
I live in Munich since 2005. I described my personal view. You don’t have to share.
So if you’re going to tell me I’d sell my opinion as a fact, you should also pay attention to your formulation. With “Munich has very well world-city feeling” you have chosen the exact same kind of formulation as I am. Besides, I didn’t write about “multimultimulti.” I wrote “cultural.” These are two boots. This means events such as a musical. I am truly not a friend of the German migration policy and therefore absolutely do not attach any importance to the fact that half Munich has a migratory background. Hamburg is not comparable to Munich for me. Neither the cityscape, nor the possibilities. Compared to Hamburg, Munich feels like a village for me.
No, you certainly didn’t call any clear facts. You said your opinion and not more. The fact is only that Munich is the business location in Germany. But no one has denied that, and has nothing to do with world-city feelings. Not with a world city. There are many small towns that have a lot to offer in terms of working technology. She doesn’t do that for a long time.
That’s all right that your opinion is different. I was just meant by myself. However, you described them as if there were facts that were not true. I also lived in Munich for a few years. I won’t. Did you live in Berlin or Hamburg? There’s nothing going on under the week after 1.
I have explained clear facts, and your clichés have been tied up. Your opinion would have been good about 15 years ago. But it just doesn’t do it anymore because Munich has changed so much.
Best regards
Everyone has to decide. Views and opinions can be different. Like in every city.
Benefits (personal):
Disadvantages (personal):
It is still the safest city with the lowest unemployment rate.
Advantages: such a low unemployment rate that is spoken of full employment. A very safe city, i.e. very little street crime, a very good infrastructure, many parks, very clean, many cycle paths that lead to the surrounding area.
Disadvantages: Too many Germans who destroyed the dialect and who shot up the rents or real estate prices by the high suit.
Scotch 😂
Ne, that’s just a myth: it’s not up to the Germans who are in charge: The tax office makes trouble if you rent apartments too cheap, you get a tax check and you have to pay for several ten thousand euros.
It is institutionally apparently forbidden to offer fair or cheap rents in Munich: For those who rent cheaper will also pay less taxes, and that does not fit the tax office if you rent significantly cheaper than the usual rental level.