Welche Vorteile hat man bei dem B Führerschein mit A1 Vorbesitz?


Welche Vorteile habe ich bei dem B Führerschein, wenn ich vorher schon den A1 Führerschein hatte?

Also welche und wieviele Stunden muss ich weniger machen, etc…?

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2 years ago

Hi, only your experience is your advantage. Because of this, you will probably get out with less hours than a bloody beginner.

If you go back to the same, you have to ask.

2 years ago

You have no advantage in price, because the theory is not calculated after hours, but flat-rate. The only significant advantage is the sampling time that is already running.

2 years ago
  • Must only visit 6, instead of 12 basic material theoretical hours + 2 additive for Kl. B
  • Theory is a children’s game, as you already know the rules (if any)
  • In theory examination, there are only 20 questions, max. 6 error points
  • Depending on how long it has been(!): No vision test & First aid course necessary
  • Experience gathered in road transport

The number of special trips remains the same. How many exercises you need depends on you
Much success

2 years ago

Well, as long as this is, you save the first aid course and sight test and especially the basic course hours, but I’m not sure.

Otherwise, you also have a disadvantage, you can only have 7 error points in the theoretical examination instead of 10

2 years ago

The advantage is that you already know better in traffic