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Air-dried, smoked, cooked.
Huhu, questionr176.
They are distinguished in cooking ham, raw ham, smoked ham, and various ham specialities.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
We understand each other. 👍
Incense ham, city ham.
It’s great to google.
You should try.
You can read and write.
Good answer 👍
Oh, dear. But how would it not be to react instead of such a “answer”?
Then you wouldn’t teach the FS.
If he’s looking for advice that you can explain yourself within a second, it seems that if I had listed Spanish ham here now, he wouldn’t have understood.
He understands nothing about fat content and aromatics if he can’t even googlen.
Do you have to?
Beer ham 🍻
Beef ham, pork ham, wild boar ham, turkey ham….
Maybe You specify your question
Is there still “palats”?
The best ham 😂
Read here
ham varieties from Germany, Italy and Spain | LECKER