Welche Unterkunft für US-Roadtrip?
Hotel ? Motel ? Lodge Airbnb?
Hotel ? Motel ? Lodge Airbnb?
Ich möchte auf jeden Fall oben sitzen. Ich habe mal nachgeschaut und mein Flug nach Singapur geht mit der Lufthansa Boeing 747. Habe auch Business gebucht. Also möglich. Wie kann ich denn dort oben hinterm Piloten sitzen? Es wäre mein größter Wunsch. Das Flugzeug bin ich schon nach Los Angeles geflogen. Deswegen habe ich auch…
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Ich fliege mit Singapore Airlines von Zürich nach Bangkok, habe einen Zwischenstopp in Singapur am Changi Flughafen. Ich habe 1h 25min Zeit zum umsteigen, reicht das?
Hallo ich hab meine DJI mini 3 zum Geburtstag bekommen und man darf ja mit 15 nicht alleine fliegen und nicht registrieren. Erst alles ab 16 aber wäre es möglich dies doch zu tun wenn ich bei MFSD eine Mitgliedschaft abschließen würde? Oder wie funktioniert das? Die können mich doch auch bei lba anscheinend registrieren
Hey Leute, Aus einem bestimmten Grund wechselten wir den Hotel und haben den Hoteladresse aktuell geändert. Jedoch sah ich den US POINT OF CONTACT, dass dieser nicht änderbar ist aber dieser Kontaktdaten die alte Hotel ist. ist das schlimm oder sollte man was unternehmen dagegen? Danke euch!
Hi, Ich fliege heute innerhalb der Türkei und wollte frage ob es nh gute Idee ist 1h 30 min vor Abflug da zu sein
This depends on your requirements & your budget.
However, I would generally not choose a category, but look for the places where you want to stay (e.g. Booking.com and Airbnb) which accommodation offers the best value for money and best suits your needs.
My experience is that a motel on the go can be a good option. As motels are usually located near the highway/interstate or on downhill roads, you will be on the road and on the way to your next destination. In cities, however, I would rather book a hotel or Airbnb even if that is a little more expensive. Because if you have a motel in any suburb, you have to go to the city every morning, find a parking place there and then go back in the evening. This costs a lot of time and also money (Sprit & Parking).
At Lodges in the national parks, the value for money is usually not true for me. Because for 3* comfort you often pay 5* prices and that’s just not worth the wonderful location.
I would just see what offers there are along your route, which have good reviews and what suits your budget.
For larger attractions, you should book in advance, with others if there is enough nearby you can if necessary. also just look spontaneously how far you drive and then find something there.
Depending on where it goes, I would advise you about things like tents or “sleep under the open sky” if you are not used to it here too and do not know you, for example, with safety requirements regarding wild animals living there, otherwise you may end up as bear food. Especially since it is now forbidden in many places, it should be left unexperienced and, depending on the season and place, could become very cold or brittle.
We had mostly hotels and some motels, as well as 2 AirBnBs (one miserable, one mega good).
Motels are a thing for themselves. With the big chains (Motel 6, Best Western), you don’t have to worry. They’re usually all right. We have learned that the price of motels can be a lot about condition and area statements.
Sometimes there are only motels on the route and there is nothing else left.
That’s all left to you.
we booked a mix of hotels and motels for our upcoming road trip. It was important to us to book accommodation with charm, therefore not big corporate chains, but rather smaller accommodation / B&B that only have a few rooms
You need to know what you can afford and what you have to do to your accommodation.
Just get in the car, or in a tent if it doesn’t rain. 🤷🏼
Why would you want that? And where are you supposed to take 14 days and go to the bathroom? I’d still like the camper. But in the car certainly don’t sleep. This has nothing to do with holiday for me
It is necessary to consider something specific or What do you need when you sleep in the car?
What you should definitely note is the season. Depending on the region, it can of course be relatively cold in late autumn, winter & spring at night. There is no good idea in the car or in the tent. In addition, it is not allowed to sleep anywhere in the car. In Colorado, North & South Carolina, for example, it is forbidden to sleep in car resting places. Many national parks also do not allow to sleep outside the official campsites in the car.
What you definitely need would be a mattress that you can put in the trunk (which is why best to rent a SUV), sleeping bag, pillow and a headlamp/blow lamp.
I would say like candycake22 that this is not my kind of vacation.
But I see that sleeping in the car can make sense for other people. For the first time, one is relatively flexible. In addition, just like the camper, you always have everything in it and don’t have to unpack the suitcase every few days. Of course, sleeping in the car is much cheaper than a motorhome and a little more comfortable than a tent. Just like with a tent or camper, you can also stay relatively cheap on the campsites in State & National Parks.
On your second question: There are various possibilities. Campsites, but a motel or a day use pass for a gym
And how do you do that with washing/going to toilet?
No one! If you plan a “Road Trip”, you should also want to win a feeling for “the streets”.
Take the simplest tent equipment with or only a field bed (better wood as aluminium) and a sleeping bag. motel etc. I would only take in exceptional cases if the weather is too bad to sleep under the open sky and a cave cannot be found. You can also sleep in the car.
If you’re too attached to hotel? Motel ? Lodge Airbnb? You’ll never experience the feeling of freedom that’s so typical of America.