Welche tiere im wald?
Was gibt es für Große wald raubvögel? Mich interessiert ob es größere raubvögel im wald gibt wegen meist der Großen Fügelspannweite mehr habe ich eig nicht zu sagen Freu mich auf eure Antworten (außer eulen und Käutzchen). LG Roman
Of the birds of rapture, there are above all habitats and sperbers who prefer the forest as a manly flyer and can also hunt between the tribes. Many others, such as Milane, are brooding in the forest, but mostly not far away from the forest edge. From here they reach their hunting ground in the open country.
This is also true for many owl species, e.g. Waldohreule, Uhu. However, some caustic species are also, e.g. forest hood in the middle of the forest home.
Thanks for🌟!
In addition to the already mentioned Uhu, forests are also a home for other birds of prey – apart from the owls and hoods – especially for the sperber, the mice buzzard, the Rotmilan or the now rare shrine eagle.
Best regards
Of course, owl birds, for example.
Uhus a pretty big span.
Uhus yes I often hear that, but I never find anything out
Because all others do not live directly in the forest, but rather in some more free areas.
Bussards, Milane, Falken and other predators prefer places that are high and offer a good overview. They hunt more in the open field and also during the day, not at night.
In addition to the very good selection of gregor443, the Habicht and the Kolkrabe still fall into my mind if you want to apply the latter…
The Uhu.