Welche Tiere finden Menschenfleisch lecker?

Ich habe schon mal die Information bekommen das manche Tiere wie Haie Menschenfleisch nicht geniessbar finden und auch in Sendungen zu hören gekriekt das es Tiere geben soll wenn die einmal Menschenfleisch ausprobiert haben gar nichts anderes Essen wollen. Gibt es solche Tiere und wie heißen diese?

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1 year ago

Human flesh is not always the same. When Cortés began his war against the Aztecs at the time, they complained loudly to the Spaniards over the front line, because they did not taste the flesh of the sacrificed Spaniards. Apparently, it stinked. The Indians allied with the Spaniards have tasted the Aztecs much better.

It will also be very similar in many animals. People simply don’t taste them, while others simply sniff a person without paying attention to the taste of the meat. Crocodiles don’t care what they’re doing. They can even digest the hoof of Zebras or the horns of buffaloes. A person is not in the stomach too.

Sharks, on the other hand, often leave humans after a sample bite. But that can be because we’re not fat enough. We consist of many bones and muscles, but by far not as much fat as a seal.

Many big cats, such as tigers, lions or leopards, sometimes kill people, but they only eat them when they are no longer able to exploit other animals. If they have become old or sick and lost their ability to hunt. Only then do they resort to human flesh. So it is quite possible that our meat does not taste you. It can be just as good that they are used to other prey and we do not fit into their prey scheme.

But there was a time when our ancestors were quite a usual prey of the big cats. This changed when our ancestors learned to keep their enemies from their necks with remote weapons. At the beginning these were only stones, but when our ancestors had learned to deal with the spear, they suddenly stood at the top of the food chain. From then on, it was dangerous for every big cat to choose a person as a prey. Perhaps this experience has burned into the DNA of the predators. Who knows? Perhaps it has nothing to do with the taste of our flesh.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fuchssprung

Hihi, eat Spanish! LOL ^

1 year ago
Reply to  Daoga

The Mexicans have long argued that there was cannibalism in the Aztecs, although all the witnesses of the war reported. Only when the archaeological evidence was on the table could no one deny it.


1 year ago

No animal really specializes in human flesh. Some tigers of the Sunderbans seem to see people simply as a prey of many likely they came to taste because dead often from lack of money were simply handed over to the rivers and thus also eaten by tigers. For a time, you could protect yourself with face masks on the back of the head, because tigers attack from behind but the trick soon saw the tigers through.

There was also a human-eating tiger who killed more than 400 people and frescoed before she was done herself, however, she made the human being herself a human-eater. She had several broken fishing teeth and also problems with the jaw because a hunter shot her and did not hit her deadly. Because she could not chase her usual prey and eat her she went to people about

Two male lions from the area of Tsavo were also infamous people. As usual in the area, they were quite large. Both had tooth problems and fried people.

For a big crocodile, people are just a prey like any other

In one case, a Grizzly killed a man and also eaten by the body.

Most shark species actually find human flesh more repulsive.

1 year ago

Even dogs and cats eat people. Cats usually when the holder is already dead. Dogs, if misdirected and aggressive, can also kill their holder and/or eat it when he is dead.

I don’t know if they like it. I doubt, however, that they would come to taste and never eat anything else again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zwergchen1984

They only do that if they’re locked up with their dead holder and can’t get out, the naked hunger is driving in. Otherwise, people are simply not on their menu.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daoga

Are people on the menu with an animal? It’s less. Even if lion, tiger, leopards and the like eat people, they do it just like dogs and cats rather out of need (too old and/or too weak to hunt).

1 year ago

The “humane eaters” like tigers and sometimes also leopards fall on human flesh when they are old and can no longer tear fly wild animals, people are easier to catch. More rare are human-eating mother animals, which also lead their boys to it. According to a theory, there is also a lack of drinking water leading to man-eating because the animals then simply attack everything that contains blood.

Otherwise: crocodiles, but they eat everything they can get, whether landlords or fish, they are not picky, there are certainly no “loves”.

The only animals that find human flesh really tasty are not the big robbers, but insects – hustle flies and asses. They have so fine sense organs that they can show up half an hour after death, because they tremble the beginning decay. Forensics, the insects in their various development stages are an important indication of when death occurred when a body or remains of it are found somewhere, only depending on the ambient temperature (for frost, nix is with flies and bugs).

1 year ago

In principle, “meat eaters” like the meat of “plant eaters” – WEIL plant eaters absorb more vital substances and therefore “bring more here” 😎

But these carnivores are also “disposal for inadequacies” = “the weak”.

1. If carnivores find people inedible, it may be because they were full of chemical waste a La Cola-Zero, aspirin, or anything else.

2.) If carnivores do not like to eat bodies, then also because the body is too healthy.

😎 Take twice a dose of vitamin B complex and go into a jelly/black mosquito area 😉 … They like you much less…

1 year ago

crocodiles in any case

1 year ago

Armin Meiwes the cannibal of Rothenburg.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Gulf98


1 year ago

comes before a man eats a man

1 year ago

Lions and Tigers!