Welche Terrariengröße und -einrichtung für eine Kornnatter?

An alle Menschen da draußen, die ein Kornnatter oder auch generell ein Schuppenkriechtier halten:

Welche Schlange haltet ihr in einem wie großem Terrarium, wie ist eure Einrichtung damit die Schlange artgerecht gehalten werden kann usw.

Gerne auch ein Bild von eurem eingerichtetem Terrarium.

Bin gespannt…

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2 years ago

Hi! The grain gates have not yet been drawn in, but the terrarium is already as good as finished, the only thing that is missing is ground floor, wetbox and 2 shelters. The rest was already worried and is either already in the terrain or comes in. I have finished the terrarium by a person skilled in the art as it became the first large terrarium.

Dimensions: 120x60x180cm (LBH) for more I unfortunately had no place. Device is a custom-made back wall, cork tubes, bromelia, ficus, as well as branches. Slips, wetbox, etc, come in as I said and the ground floor becomes an earth/sand mix.

Lighting consists of basic lighting (terrarien LEDs) and heat lamps, as well as spotlights.

A corn-gate male from a catching station is planned, which is to enter in February 🙂

An image of the terrain, which is still available to the expert:

MfG Sky

2 years ago
Reply to  NajaMossambica

Hi, yes, there are really so many who are looking for a home, I don’t need to go to the breeder. Since I’ve picked up in this catching station anyway, I could also get to know the animals and how to handle them. I also fell in love with the way there;-)

1 year ago
Reply to  skyy11

The terrain is really nice, can I ask where you got this and the back wall?

1 year ago
Reply to  anonym0507

Hi. The terrarium was produced in the terrarium factory in Munich. Can Markus really recommend without restriction, but does not know what radius he delivers.

MfG Sky

1 year ago

All right, thanks 🙂

2 years ago

That’s really interesting! Toxic snakes have not yet been my case, but perhaps this is still changing. They’re fascinating. Kobra’s renaming sounds really spanned;) Cool thing!

2 years ago

I don’t hold grain doughs, but I’m helping them out more often. As a minimum for an adult animal (young animals should be kept somewhat smaller, otherwise you simply can’t find them for feeding) I see 150x80x150. I’d rather be more natural, but that would be the minimum.

I hold, among other things, several species related to the pantherophis but living in the soil, with these I offer more surface at less height, because the height is simply not used. Here I have a minimum floor area of 320×80 cm.

2 years ago
Reply to  NajaMossambica

But you read what I wrote? The statement with the height is about related species that are inhabiting the soil.

2 years ago

for example Pituophis sp.

2 years ago

Pantherophis-related species are not pantherophis 🙂

2 years ago

I kept my terrariums quite large (as I still kept snakes). About 180 cm by 80. It is also important to have a sufficient height in the case of seedlings, since the animals like to climb.

2 years ago
Reply to  NajaMossambica

I’d rather see them in nature.