Welche Tarifzone ist das – München Hbf zu Siegestor?


Ich möchte mit den Öffis vom Hbf (München) (möglichst nahe 😉 ) zum Siegestor kommen. In welcher Tarifzone liegt diese Strecke?

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2 years ago

All of Munich is a tariff zone, namely the tariff zone M. A single journey within the tariff zone M costs € 3.50.

If you are going to Munich by train, it may be that the tariff zone M is already included (for an MVV-Verbundfahrschein, the Bayern-Ticket or a Flexpreis or a Sparpreis of the Deutsche Bahn, but not the Super-Sparpreis). Then you don’t need a separate ticket.

If you come with a super-spar price of the Deutsche Bahn, at least the S-Bahn stations in Munich are included. Then you can take the S-Bahn from the main station to Marienplatz. There you will buy a short-haul ticket for € 1.80 and drive with the U 3 or the U 6 to the University Metro Station, very close to the Siegestore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brain300
