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1 year ago

Hallo jonagrenzling, 👋

Welche Süßkraft hat Inulin?

Es ist neutral bis leicht süß und besitzt eine

Süßkraft von bis zu 10 % von Saccharose.


Bedeutung von Inulin in einer zuckerfreien Ernährung

Inulin kann auch als Zuckerersatz in vielen Lebensmitteln verwendet werden, da es eine natürliche Süße hat, aber keine Kalorien enthält. Es hat einen süßen Geschmack, aber einen geringen glykämischen Index, was bedeutet, dass es den Blutzuckerspiegel nicht stark erhöht. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Inulin in einer zuckerfreien Ernährung wichtig ist:



Das sogenannte Präbiotikum Inulin unterstützt

die Entwicklung der Darmflora mit

gesundheitsfördernden Darmbakterien.

Auf der anderen Seite gibt es noch die Präbiotika,

die keine lebenden Mikroorganismen enthalten.

Stattdessen dienen sie als Futter für vorhandene

Bakterienstämme. Inulin fördert Wachstum und

Aktivität der „guten“ Darmbakterien. Somit trägt

es zu einer optimalen Verdauung und einem

generell gesunden Körper bei.



Thema 👉 Insulin ist hier irrelevant.


LG 🙋🏻‍♀️

1 year ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Thanks for the ⭐

1 year ago

The sweetness of inulin is practically zero.

But it ensures a creamy mouth feeling, so food tastes more pleasant.

Many people react with intestinal complaints.

Inulin consists of fructose and fructose is by no means beneficial for metabolism.

1 year ago

Sure. Inulin isn’t sweet. Take Xylitol, Erythritol, Stevia.

1 year ago

Up to 10% of ordinary household sugar.

1 year ago

You mean insulin?

I used to googlete what this hormone does in our body with us:

It ensures that glucose (grain sugar) gets from the blood into the body cells. The hormone is responsible so to speak for the cells getting their fuel.

1 year ago
Reply to  AriZona04

No. INULIN is a soluble fiber.

1 year ago
Reply to  AriZona04

I think “insulin” is actually meant. A low calorie sweetener with lower GI than sucrose.

1 year ago
Reply to  weena96

I believe that “insulin” is actually meant.


A low calorie sweetener with lower GI than sucrose. Nonsense!

Insulin is NO sweetener!

1 year ago
Reply to  AriZona04

insulin is not a sweetener,

has no sweetness and is certainly not meant.

1 year ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

… but what I was doing – right? Otherwise I wouldn’t have written my answer. There are plenty of people here who see typos as normal. I know that insulin is not a sweetener. I also know that there is something to do with blood sugar. There are people here who could make one of them together.

Inulin didn’t know so far. I also learn to do it. In itself, it could have been thought out of my answer. But there are people who think you have to choke it in. You know what I mean?

1 year ago

Very happy, no problem. 🥳

LG of one who does not own

Insulin more has 😅… ♀️👋 ♀️👋

1 year ago

I’m sorry…! The autocorrection has played me a stroke: INSULIN is a hormone – INULIN a sweetener…

Thank you for the correction!

1 year ago

Yeah, I know NOW what you mean. I didn’t want to choke you in.
It was just a clarification that was not meant unfriendly. LG 🙋🏻